Before I continue my dedications,
i just wanna say,
There is an end, to everything good things in the world.
Stop clinging on it, and you will know why.
Thanks for tagging my blog so frequently even if i did not tag.
I just find you special, cause you are born in a foreign country.
Your tone in english is good, and you control them well.
Thanks for the time when you always cheer me up,
your methods varies and all are unexpected.
Thanks for being in 1Integrity, to cheer many people up,
and to be Jing Han's special friend.
I seriously hope you and Jing Han,
can remain as this pair of special friend at least 3 years.
Fun to hang out with, and a good cheery friend,
is enough to describe you as a whole.
Needless to say, you are a nice friend.
You can cheer people up,
scold people till they die,
go crazy until roof drops,
and many other things can be done easily by you.
You don't hate people, and you befriend almost everyone.
Thats my Motto, Vision,
by not hating anyone, but hating only their actions.
Thanks for sharing the same Motto and Vision as me.
-Ling Shan
-Jia Yi
First word that will come to my mind whenever i see you,
obviously is the word 'SEXY'
Even on the whiteboard, you would always filled them with 'SEXY's.
Being in the same class next year,
i feel happy. Cause you can amuse us with your 'SEXY's again.
Thanks for amusing us, your friends and cheering us up.
Same as Racheal, you seldom dislike people.
Playing that hand smacking game is fun,
the pain, is quite shiok, but i think i better don play too much with you.
later you say i molester....
But thanks anyway, for all the joy and happiness you brought to 1Integrity.
-Shi Yao
Thank you for the times when you lend me your stationaries.
And your foolscap, sorry that i couldn't return you those.
I lost count of it. I will try not to borrow things from you next year.
and sorry for having so less to thank you, but like Ling Shan,
next year i believe more thanks will be given out(My expression of words sucks)
Simple, but sorry.
Cause i only have to thank you for your smartness,
and your passion towards study.
Thanks for also coaching me when i was wrong in some of the subjects.
And also thank you for making 1Integrity proud by being the first.
That's all for Integrity i think,
but there is still some,
I think more...
Because i have to include some prefects.
And prefects that i have thank in their classes,
i would thank them again for prefects,
but maybe in another way...
♥For You♥
♥Without you♥

- Syron =]
- I am Syron:) Learn to love, not love to learn; Hate to learn but not learn to hate. Have AWESOME classmates with extraawedinary thinking in 2 Integrity Class of 2011=]
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
pls pass the message down if you see this,
to read the dedications that i have wrote.
Of course,
Times with you guys really knock the sense out of me,
i have learnt a lot from you guys, and i really appreciate that.
Cause if you guys hadn't knocked sense into me,
i would turn a really bad person one day,
and you guys will kill me if i really become one.
Those names who i did not write,
doesn't mean that you guys are insignificant to me,
it is just that,i have nothing to write.
But i have to thank you guys to make 1Integrity a full 40.
-Jing Han,
I like the various way you talk adn i wanna hear them everyday,
but now, we are seperated to different classes,
and your voice would be heard mostly by your new classmates.
The only time i can hear them is when there is Prefect's meeting.
And i wanna thank you for being such a resposible Prefect,
who teaches me what is right and wat is wrong.
Thank you for the times when i was real down,
and you tried to cheer me up.
Although sometimes is really a bad situation,
and the chances of me being cheered up is very low,
you have give it all you got and nvr say 'i give up'.
That is why, you are always a very good friend of mine,
and a very responsible'teacher' to me.
-Yu Han
Introducing Ray William Johnson to me definitely makes me day.
And you always helped me whenever i needed help,
Like DotA, Friends Communication and many other things.
When Mrs Tan said your named,
i was very anxious to know which class you go to.
And when Integrity was heard,
you was damn happy, even i was smiling away.
I am just sad that from the Fives,
who are Jing Han, You, Ken, Shu Wei and Kae Chuan,
it just became the fours, as Jing Han was transferred to Commitment.
When Jing Han was the only person who transfer to Commitment,
within the Fives, i feel so bad and sad.
He had lost face to face contact in class with us,
and i am really down to know that he wasn't with us.
But i wanna thank you for being such a good brother,
who is so fun, and can mimic how Ray talked or Peter Chao speaked.
I am really envious of both yours and Jing Han's Voice.
-Ken, Kae Chuan
Yes, the pro Defender of the Ancients. always make us laughed.
Both of you are very close to each other and wish to partner each other,
when it was group work or pair work..
You both taught me quite much about DotA and i am grateful to you both.
Kae Chuan, you always lend me stuffs and saved me when i did not bring something
Even if sometimes you have only one particular thing,
you still lend me, sacrificing yourself,
So i wanna say a big thanks to you.
Ken, you brought so much laughter to the class,
and i was super grateful to that.
Because when i was primary 3, i always make people laugh,
and i told myself that whereever i go, i wanna make people laugh too.
and now, you did the job for me.
So i wanna thank you too.
I know, people are somehow angry at you,
but you must control yourself and don't shoot anyhow.
Think before you say and people would lessen their hatred towards you.
Debating with you several times, and having winning you sometimes,
makes me feel quite happy.
But that is because i wanna be a lawyer next time and i needed practice.
So since you wanna have a psycological battle with someone,
i will have it with you, and practicing my skills at the same time.
So thanks for those debates,
and thanks for those times when i was quite sad,
and you somehow cheered me up.
You can be counted as a good friend,
but trying to relax how Justiceful you are now,
may make you a better friend.
-Liang Wei
Laughing your head off, makes us laugh occasionally.
but try not to laugh too much, cause people may be quite annoyed.
One thing that i like about you is your honesty.
Although'Do not judge the book by its cover' says.
but from your looks, i think that you are quite honest in everything.
You have nothing to hide, and can keep secrets.
You are not afraid of saying anything, doing anything.
Thanks for being in our class and brought so much laughter to our class.
Next year, i hope you will still remain the same,
having the same smile, same voice, same looks,
And most importantly, your same attitude.
'HELLO SYRON!!' will nvr be erased off my memory,
you can always laugh anywhere and anytime.
You don't mind if people are around you,
you just laugh like mad!
Thanks for being so hyper and made the class lively,
along with Kiran.
Both of you makes a pair to bring ultimate laughter to the class.
You can laugh in any circumstances,
that is why, your name is up here.
I wanna thank you for being so hyper,
bring laughter to the class, cheering me up sometimes.
Although you are being transferred to 2Respect,
I will nvr forget your laughter and your voice,
Every tuesday, i will be waiting for you in 2Integrity,
and when you arrive, we shall go to 2 Respect,
and continue laughing your head off:D
-Qian Qi
Being sometimes optimistic and pessimistic,
can also be a good thing.
But 'Life stilll goes on, whatever happens" is wat you told me.
Live your days happily and a day would pass,
If you live it sadly, it will still pass, but bringing you bad memories.
So i hope that you are always optimistic.
Thanks for teaching me the importance of friends,
showed me how friends can be so important.
I can nvr forget on 7th February 2010,
which is my birthday,
you made me cry, in terms of touched i think.
So i can nvr forget that day,
cause it is very important.
Thanks for the lecture you gave me,
which had changed me to a better person.
Most importantly, thanks for being in this class,
and becoming a damn good friend of mine.
Dedications are long,
but it doesn't ends here.
I am quite busy now,
so i think i will continue tmr.
Pls don't tell our classmates to visit first until i completed all.
Thanks guys,
I love you all... :D
pls pass the message down if you see this,
to read the dedications that i have wrote.
Of course,
Times with you guys really knock the sense out of me,
i have learnt a lot from you guys, and i really appreciate that.
Cause if you guys hadn't knocked sense into me,
i would turn a really bad person one day,
and you guys will kill me if i really become one.
Those names who i did not write,
doesn't mean that you guys are insignificant to me,
it is just that,i have nothing to write.
But i have to thank you guys to make 1Integrity a full 40.
-Jing Han,
I like the various way you talk adn i wanna hear them everyday,
but now, we are seperated to different classes,
and your voice would be heard mostly by your new classmates.
The only time i can hear them is when there is Prefect's meeting.
And i wanna thank you for being such a resposible Prefect,
who teaches me what is right and wat is wrong.
Thank you for the times when i was real down,
and you tried to cheer me up.
Although sometimes is really a bad situation,
and the chances of me being cheered up is very low,
you have give it all you got and nvr say 'i give up'.
That is why, you are always a very good friend of mine,
and a very responsible'teacher' to me.
-Yu Han
Introducing Ray William Johnson to me definitely makes me day.
And you always helped me whenever i needed help,
Like DotA, Friends Communication and many other things.
When Mrs Tan said your named,
i was very anxious to know which class you go to.
And when Integrity was heard,
you was damn happy, even i was smiling away.
I am just sad that from the Fives,
who are Jing Han, You, Ken, Shu Wei and Kae Chuan,
it just became the fours, as Jing Han was transferred to Commitment.
When Jing Han was the only person who transfer to Commitment,
within the Fives, i feel so bad and sad.
He had lost face to face contact in class with us,
and i am really down to know that he wasn't with us.
But i wanna thank you for being such a good brother,
who is so fun, and can mimic how Ray talked or Peter Chao speaked.
I am really envious of both yours and Jing Han's Voice.
-Ken, Kae Chuan
Yes, the pro Defender of the Ancients. always make us laughed.
Both of you are very close to each other and wish to partner each other,
when it was group work or pair work..
You both taught me quite much about DotA and i am grateful to you both.
Kae Chuan, you always lend me stuffs and saved me when i did not bring something
Even if sometimes you have only one particular thing,
you still lend me, sacrificing yourself,
So i wanna say a big thanks to you.
Ken, you brought so much laughter to the class,
and i was super grateful to that.
Because when i was primary 3, i always make people laugh,
and i told myself that whereever i go, i wanna make people laugh too.
and now, you did the job for me.
So i wanna thank you too.
I know, people are somehow angry at you,
but you must control yourself and don't shoot anyhow.
Think before you say and people would lessen their hatred towards you.
Debating with you several times, and having winning you sometimes,
makes me feel quite happy.
But that is because i wanna be a lawyer next time and i needed practice.
So since you wanna have a psycological battle with someone,
i will have it with you, and practicing my skills at the same time.
So thanks for those debates,
and thanks for those times when i was quite sad,
and you somehow cheered me up.
You can be counted as a good friend,
but trying to relax how Justiceful you are now,
may make you a better friend.
-Liang Wei
Laughing your head off, makes us laugh occasionally.
but try not to laugh too much, cause people may be quite annoyed.
One thing that i like about you is your honesty.
Although'Do not judge the book by its cover' says.
but from your looks, i think that you are quite honest in everything.
You have nothing to hide, and can keep secrets.
You are not afraid of saying anything, doing anything.
Thanks for being in our class and brought so much laughter to our class.
Next year, i hope you will still remain the same,
having the same smile, same voice, same looks,
And most importantly, your same attitude.
'HELLO SYRON!!' will nvr be erased off my memory,
you can always laugh anywhere and anytime.
You don't mind if people are around you,
you just laugh like mad!
Thanks for being so hyper and made the class lively,
along with Kiran.
Both of you makes a pair to bring ultimate laughter to the class.
You can laugh in any circumstances,
that is why, your name is up here.
I wanna thank you for being so hyper,
bring laughter to the class, cheering me up sometimes.
Although you are being transferred to 2Respect,
I will nvr forget your laughter and your voice,
Every tuesday, i will be waiting for you in 2Integrity,
and when you arrive, we shall go to 2 Respect,
and continue laughing your head off:D
-Qian Qi
Being sometimes optimistic and pessimistic,
can also be a good thing.
But 'Life stilll goes on, whatever happens" is wat you told me.
Live your days happily and a day would pass,
If you live it sadly, it will still pass, but bringing you bad memories.
So i hope that you are always optimistic.
Thanks for teaching me the importance of friends,
showed me how friends can be so important.
I can nvr forget on 7th February 2010,
which is my birthday,
you made me cry, in terms of touched i think.
So i can nvr forget that day,
cause it is very important.
Thanks for the lecture you gave me,
which had changed me to a better person.
Most importantly, thanks for being in this class,
and becoming a damn good friend of mine.
Dedications are long,
but it doesn't ends here.
I am quite busy now,
so i think i will continue tmr.
Pls don't tell our classmates to visit first until i completed all.
Thanks guys,
I love you all... :D
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Who the hell do you think you are?
Just one year and you just gotten into this mess....
You are just so stupid, seriously stupid.
i leave to next year,
if you still could not promise what you want to do,
I will hate you forever
I didn't know if you will like it,
it is like,
stalking you or watever shit...
But there is no choice,
2days left before 1ITG2010 gets seperated.
How can i just leave it like that?
Staring at me now,
and staring back at it,
i feel so stupid.
The river, what does it reminds you of?
Having a never ending streak of water supplies,
yeah, think further...
Just one year and you just gotten into this mess....
You are just so stupid, seriously stupid.
i leave to next year,
if you still could not promise what you want to do,
I will hate you forever
I didn't know if you will like it,
it is like,
stalking you or watever shit...
But there is no choice,
2days left before 1ITG2010 gets seperated.
How can i just leave it like that?
Staring at me now,
and staring back at it,
i feel so stupid.
The river, what does it reminds you of?
Having a never ending streak of water supplies,
yeah, think further...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
This blog is going to be annouced dead if i stop posting...
Sorry for not posting anything during the previous 13 days.
Nothing to post abt recently,
just quite sad for my results,
but it is just useless...
I feel like retaking the exams.....
I realised i haven't said wat i wanna say.
Very down recently,
keep having psycological battling with someone.
pro like shit and i think i am going to lose.
Told myself that i would surely win,
because the reasoning from him was out of point.
Tried tackling his ideas for English and Chinese.
Still thinking of retaliation sentences,
wanna just win this once and for all.
Having this psycological battle is already enough,
i have to another battle to make,
and i nvr know when would this end.
4 years or 5 years later,
i do not know.
I just know that this a going to be very tough.
Even tougher than handling thousands of Psycological battles at a go.
Refrained myself from crying,
keeping that three words inside for hundreds thousands of minutes
Waiting for that day,
9 days later, we will nvr see each other in class ever again.
But yet 10 days later, i have something very important to tell you.
At least it is important to me.
Thats my first time ever,
getting so nervous over someone's special occasion.
Congrats on being older by a year 10days later.
I seriously hope that you would remember this place throughout these 3 more years.
At least for these 3 years,
i will continue writing,
and i really wants to be there when you nid someone,
i know that would not be necessary,
but i don't wanna you to be sad always,
it hurts, you know...
10 Days later, i will say something to you,
thats three words maybe.....
Sorry for not posting anything during the previous 13 days.
Nothing to post abt recently,
just quite sad for my results,
but it is just useless...
I feel like retaking the exams.....
I realised i haven't said wat i wanna say.
Very down recently,
keep having psycological battling with someone.
pro like shit and i think i am going to lose.
Told myself that i would surely win,
because the reasoning from him was out of point.
Tried tackling his ideas for English and Chinese.
Still thinking of retaliation sentences,
wanna just win this once and for all.
Having this psycological battle is already enough,
i have to another battle to make,
and i nvr know when would this end.
4 years or 5 years later,
i do not know.
I just know that this a going to be very tough.
Even tougher than handling thousands of Psycological battles at a go.
Refrained myself from crying,
keeping that three words inside for hundreds thousands of minutes
Waiting for that day,
9 days later, we will nvr see each other in class ever again.
But yet 10 days later, i have something very important to tell you.
At least it is important to me.
Thats my first time ever,
getting so nervous over someone's special occasion.
Congrats on being older by a year 10days later.
I seriously hope that you would remember this place throughout these 3 more years.
At least for these 3 years,
i will continue writing,
and i really wants to be there when you nid someone,
i know that would not be necessary,
but i don't wanna you to be sad always,
it hurts, you know...
10 Days later, i will say something to you,
thats three words maybe.....
Friday, October 8, 2010
How i wished i was you...
Talented and good in speaking....
If i told you see me posting that life is great,
that is certainly not me....
Dorcas's answer for previous EQ: I would feel angry and so disappointed in that friend!! BUT i would still forgive him(:...
How sweet she is.....
Next EQ: Explain the meaning of life is no more than seven words.
Next IQ: If you don wanna have stress, what do you have to do?(Learn b4)
Previous IQ: Many possible answers... E.g: 1 Boy and 1 Girl can not only give birth to 2 childrens :)...
Talented and good in speaking....
If i told you see me posting that life is great,
that is certainly not me....
Dorcas's answer for previous EQ: I would feel angry and so disappointed in that friend!! BUT i would still forgive him(:...
How sweet she is.....
Next EQ: Explain the meaning of life is no more than seven words.
Next IQ: If you don wanna have stress, what do you have to do?(Learn b4)
Previous IQ: Many possible answers... E.g: 1 Boy and 1 Girl can not only give birth to 2 childrens :)...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
If i hadn't love you so truly since then, I wouldn't be hurt so deeply by now....
Readers would know what had happened to me today.....
It happened on many people too...
I think 9......
You guys may see us....
On Stage during assembly....
or Morning Assembly...
Todays EQ:
How will you react if your friend betrays you, a friend that you seriously loved?
Today IQ:
1+1= Undefined, how do you prove this?
Previous IQ question answer:
because they had no belly-buttons....
Readers would know what had happened to me today.....
It happened on many people too...
I think 9......
You guys may see us....
On Stage during assembly....
or Morning Assembly...
Todays EQ:
How will you react if your friend betrays you, a friend that you seriously loved?
Today IQ:
1+1= Undefined, how do you prove this?
Previous IQ question answer:
because they had no belly-buttons....
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