葉問(Ip Man),葉問2 ( Ip Man 2) and 蘇乞兒 ( True Legend),
I hope the chinese people would watch these three shows.
Ip Man and Ip Man 2 most of you should have watched.
Except for True Legend.
For Ip Man 2 and True Legend,
their similarites is that,
The foriegners looked down on our Chinese Martial Arts.
For Ip Man 2:
Ip Man fought with The Twister(Foreigner Wrestling Champion)
The fight between them was very.....
I dunno how to say la.
But when they are fighting.
My heart was like pumping damn fast.
Maybe because i cried for the previous scene.
Ip Man was using 永春,
which i dunno how to translate to chinese.
While The Twister was using wrestling style.
The scene was not so bloody.
For True Legend:
Su Can (蘇灿),
He was once a warrior in a battlefield,
and he saved the king,
which gives him the position of the Governor Of Hubei(maybe other regions)
He rejects,
because of two reasons,
he wanted to teach the younger generations about Chinese Martial Arts.
He also wanted to have normal family life with XiaoYing,
the sister of YuanLie (袁列),which is Su Can's foster brother.
Therefore, he passed on his sword to his best buddy, MaChingFeng(马清锋).
Unfortunately, YuanLie wanted to kill Su Can.
Because Su Can father's killed YuanLie father's.
YuanLie learnt the Five Venom (五毒邪功)
Made Su Can right arm's tension to break.
Causing him to lose all his skills.
With more practice with The God Of Wushu ,(武神)(周杰伦饰).
He had regained confidence to fight with YuanLie.
And the fight between them rages on.
After Su Can wins YuanLie,
he did not know that YuanLie buried his sister alived,
which caused Su Can to go mad.
Su Can proceeds to the city with his only child, XiaoFeng.
But he could only think of wine and nothing else.
Once again, he met with the God Of Wushu again,
but this time, appearing as a drunk man.
He teaches Su Can the way of using the famous Drunken Fist.
He finally learnt it.
In the city,
he met with MaChingFeng again,
but he could not recognise MaChingFeng.
MaChingFeng had to go on a fight.
Stage fight, fighting with no set number of fighters,
no limitations of moves and no weapons.
Which is the rules and regulations of the fight.
On the night when Su Can abandon his child,
his child went back to him, writing a letter beside him.
The letter says,
(Our family never seperates, i promised mother)
The next morning, Su Can came to his senses.
Su Can brought him to watch MaChingFeng fight.
Upon arriving the place,
Su Can went to find some wine.
MaChingFeng was hurt badly,
by the first person to fight him.
There is a total number of six people.
When the first fighter wanted to give MaChingFeng the last blow,
XiaoFeng went towards to the fighter and bit his leg.
The fighter threw MaChingFeng onto the ground,
lifting XiaoFeng up and preparing his fist.
XiaoFeng was shouting for his Dad.
Until once, he shouted really very loud,
and his father then realised,
he levitated there and give the fighter one deadly blow.
The fighter was punch vitally on his head and was one-hit KOed.
He was then faced with the other 5 fighter.
Three of them cheated.
One of them took a hammer, violated the rules,
but was not fined, the fight go on.
Luckily, he was not hit by the hammer,
Another one took a knife and was not fined too.
Su Can was only knifed on his shirt, and a little bit of blood flowed out.
the knifer had rather killed his own teammate when Su Can dodged his attack.
The last one was rather the Most Vicious one and the most cheatest one.
One of the guy which is in charge of the setting up of arena,
he injected the strongest fighter that had fell under Su Can fist,
The Defensive Dose.
The fighter became invulnerable to Su Can's attack.
Su Can risked, get on his shoulder.
He kept punching ths sides of the fighter's head,
(All of us know that if a person is consectively hit on the both sides of the head,
the person would be in very deep pain)
The Fighter was really in deep pain at that time.
He fall back,
causing Su Can to fall too.
But he fell on his head and had a temporary concussion.
He dreamt of XiaoYing asking him to stand,
he then finally stand up and became the winner.
Before the fight, they had agreed that if the foreigners lose,
they had to give up the Arena.
Because the arena had once cause the death of many chinese fighters.
Now Su Can won,
he had not only won this fight,
he also won 100 sliver, which is a huge sum of money.
he had also won the glory of Chinese Martial Arts(Drunken Fist)
Thats the end of the show.
But the show was about 2hrs.
There is more than wat is shown here in the DVD.
You would want to watch more next time.
Now i just waiting for the arrival for Ip Man 2 to appear in the DVD store.
Then i have the complete series of Ip Man.
Finally finished today's post
Started at 2142(9.42pm)
Ended at 2217(10.17pm)
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