Before I continue my dedications,
i just wanna say,
There is an end, to everything good things in the world.
Stop clinging on it, and you will know why.
Thanks for tagging my blog so frequently even if i did not tag.
I just find you special, cause you are born in a foreign country.
Your tone in english is good, and you control them well.
Thanks for the time when you always cheer me up,
your methods varies and all are unexpected.
Thanks for being in 1Integrity, to cheer many people up,
and to be Jing Han's special friend.
I seriously hope you and Jing Han,
can remain as this pair of special friend at least 3 years.
Fun to hang out with, and a good cheery friend,
is enough to describe you as a whole.
Needless to say, you are a nice friend.
You can cheer people up,
scold people till they die,
go crazy until roof drops,
and many other things can be done easily by you.
You don't hate people, and you befriend almost everyone.
Thats my Motto, Vision,
by not hating anyone, but hating only their actions.
Thanks for sharing the same Motto and Vision as me.
-Ling Shan
-Jia Yi
First word that will come to my mind whenever i see you,
obviously is the word 'SEXY'
Even on the whiteboard, you would always filled them with 'SEXY's.
Being in the same class next year,
i feel happy. Cause you can amuse us with your 'SEXY's again.
Thanks for amusing us, your friends and cheering us up.
Same as Racheal, you seldom dislike people.
Playing that hand smacking game is fun,
the pain, is quite shiok, but i think i better don play too much with you.
later you say i molester....
But thanks anyway, for all the joy and happiness you brought to 1Integrity.
-Shi Yao
Thank you for the times when you lend me your stationaries.
And your foolscap, sorry that i couldn't return you those.
I lost count of it. I will try not to borrow things from you next year.
and sorry for having so less to thank you, but like Ling Shan,
next year i believe more thanks will be given out(My expression of words sucks)
Simple, but sorry.
Cause i only have to thank you for your smartness,
and your passion towards study.
Thanks for also coaching me when i was wrong in some of the subjects.
And also thank you for making 1Integrity proud by being the first.
That's all for Integrity i think,
but there is still some,
I think more...
Because i have to include some prefects.
And prefects that i have thank in their classes,
i would thank them again for prefects,
but maybe in another way...
♥For You♥
♥Without you♥

- Syron =]
- I am Syron:) Learn to love, not love to learn; Hate to learn but not learn to hate. Have AWESOME classmates with extraawedinary thinking in 2 Integrity Class of 2011=]
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
pls pass the message down if you see this,
to read the dedications that i have wrote.
Of course,
Times with you guys really knock the sense out of me,
i have learnt a lot from you guys, and i really appreciate that.
Cause if you guys hadn't knocked sense into me,
i would turn a really bad person one day,
and you guys will kill me if i really become one.
Those names who i did not write,
doesn't mean that you guys are insignificant to me,
it is just that,i have nothing to write.
But i have to thank you guys to make 1Integrity a full 40.
-Jing Han,
I like the various way you talk adn i wanna hear them everyday,
but now, we are seperated to different classes,
and your voice would be heard mostly by your new classmates.
The only time i can hear them is when there is Prefect's meeting.
And i wanna thank you for being such a resposible Prefect,
who teaches me what is right and wat is wrong.
Thank you for the times when i was real down,
and you tried to cheer me up.
Although sometimes is really a bad situation,
and the chances of me being cheered up is very low,
you have give it all you got and nvr say 'i give up'.
That is why, you are always a very good friend of mine,
and a very responsible'teacher' to me.
-Yu Han
Introducing Ray William Johnson to me definitely makes me day.
And you always helped me whenever i needed help,
Like DotA, Friends Communication and many other things.
When Mrs Tan said your named,
i was very anxious to know which class you go to.
And when Integrity was heard,
you was damn happy, even i was smiling away.
I am just sad that from the Fives,
who are Jing Han, You, Ken, Shu Wei and Kae Chuan,
it just became the fours, as Jing Han was transferred to Commitment.
When Jing Han was the only person who transfer to Commitment,
within the Fives, i feel so bad and sad.
He had lost face to face contact in class with us,
and i am really down to know that he wasn't with us.
But i wanna thank you for being such a good brother,
who is so fun, and can mimic how Ray talked or Peter Chao speaked.
I am really envious of both yours and Jing Han's Voice.
-Ken, Kae Chuan
Yes, the pro Defender of the Ancients. always make us laughed.
Both of you are very close to each other and wish to partner each other,
when it was group work or pair work..
You both taught me quite much about DotA and i am grateful to you both.
Kae Chuan, you always lend me stuffs and saved me when i did not bring something
Even if sometimes you have only one particular thing,
you still lend me, sacrificing yourself,
So i wanna say a big thanks to you.
Ken, you brought so much laughter to the class,
and i was super grateful to that.
Because when i was primary 3, i always make people laugh,
and i told myself that whereever i go, i wanna make people laugh too.
and now, you did the job for me.
So i wanna thank you too.
I know, people are somehow angry at you,
but you must control yourself and don't shoot anyhow.
Think before you say and people would lessen their hatred towards you.
Debating with you several times, and having winning you sometimes,
makes me feel quite happy.
But that is because i wanna be a lawyer next time and i needed practice.
So since you wanna have a psycological battle with someone,
i will have it with you, and practicing my skills at the same time.
So thanks for those debates,
and thanks for those times when i was quite sad,
and you somehow cheered me up.
You can be counted as a good friend,
but trying to relax how Justiceful you are now,
may make you a better friend.
-Liang Wei
Laughing your head off, makes us laugh occasionally.
but try not to laugh too much, cause people may be quite annoyed.
One thing that i like about you is your honesty.
Although'Do not judge the book by its cover' says.
but from your looks, i think that you are quite honest in everything.
You have nothing to hide, and can keep secrets.
You are not afraid of saying anything, doing anything.
Thanks for being in our class and brought so much laughter to our class.
Next year, i hope you will still remain the same,
having the same smile, same voice, same looks,
And most importantly, your same attitude.
'HELLO SYRON!!' will nvr be erased off my memory,
you can always laugh anywhere and anytime.
You don't mind if people are around you,
you just laugh like mad!
Thanks for being so hyper and made the class lively,
along with Kiran.
Both of you makes a pair to bring ultimate laughter to the class.
You can laugh in any circumstances,
that is why, your name is up here.
I wanna thank you for being so hyper,
bring laughter to the class, cheering me up sometimes.
Although you are being transferred to 2Respect,
I will nvr forget your laughter and your voice,
Every tuesday, i will be waiting for you in 2Integrity,
and when you arrive, we shall go to 2 Respect,
and continue laughing your head off:D
-Qian Qi
Being sometimes optimistic and pessimistic,
can also be a good thing.
But 'Life stilll goes on, whatever happens" is wat you told me.
Live your days happily and a day would pass,
If you live it sadly, it will still pass, but bringing you bad memories.
So i hope that you are always optimistic.
Thanks for teaching me the importance of friends,
showed me how friends can be so important.
I can nvr forget on 7th February 2010,
which is my birthday,
you made me cry, in terms of touched i think.
So i can nvr forget that day,
cause it is very important.
Thanks for the lecture you gave me,
which had changed me to a better person.
Most importantly, thanks for being in this class,
and becoming a damn good friend of mine.
Dedications are long,
but it doesn't ends here.
I am quite busy now,
so i think i will continue tmr.
Pls don't tell our classmates to visit first until i completed all.
Thanks guys,
I love you all... :D
pls pass the message down if you see this,
to read the dedications that i have wrote.
Of course,
Times with you guys really knock the sense out of me,
i have learnt a lot from you guys, and i really appreciate that.
Cause if you guys hadn't knocked sense into me,
i would turn a really bad person one day,
and you guys will kill me if i really become one.
Those names who i did not write,
doesn't mean that you guys are insignificant to me,
it is just that,i have nothing to write.
But i have to thank you guys to make 1Integrity a full 40.
-Jing Han,
I like the various way you talk adn i wanna hear them everyday,
but now, we are seperated to different classes,
and your voice would be heard mostly by your new classmates.
The only time i can hear them is when there is Prefect's meeting.
And i wanna thank you for being such a resposible Prefect,
who teaches me what is right and wat is wrong.
Thank you for the times when i was real down,
and you tried to cheer me up.
Although sometimes is really a bad situation,
and the chances of me being cheered up is very low,
you have give it all you got and nvr say 'i give up'.
That is why, you are always a very good friend of mine,
and a very responsible'teacher' to me.
-Yu Han
Introducing Ray William Johnson to me definitely makes me day.
And you always helped me whenever i needed help,
Like DotA, Friends Communication and many other things.
When Mrs Tan said your named,
i was very anxious to know which class you go to.
And when Integrity was heard,
you was damn happy, even i was smiling away.
I am just sad that from the Fives,
who are Jing Han, You, Ken, Shu Wei and Kae Chuan,
it just became the fours, as Jing Han was transferred to Commitment.
When Jing Han was the only person who transfer to Commitment,
within the Fives, i feel so bad and sad.
He had lost face to face contact in class with us,
and i am really down to know that he wasn't with us.
But i wanna thank you for being such a good brother,
who is so fun, and can mimic how Ray talked or Peter Chao speaked.
I am really envious of both yours and Jing Han's Voice.
-Ken, Kae Chuan
Yes, the pro Defender of the Ancients. always make us laughed.
Both of you are very close to each other and wish to partner each other,
when it was group work or pair work..
You both taught me quite much about DotA and i am grateful to you both.
Kae Chuan, you always lend me stuffs and saved me when i did not bring something
Even if sometimes you have only one particular thing,
you still lend me, sacrificing yourself,
So i wanna say a big thanks to you.
Ken, you brought so much laughter to the class,
and i was super grateful to that.
Because when i was primary 3, i always make people laugh,
and i told myself that whereever i go, i wanna make people laugh too.
and now, you did the job for me.
So i wanna thank you too.
I know, people are somehow angry at you,
but you must control yourself and don't shoot anyhow.
Think before you say and people would lessen their hatred towards you.
Debating with you several times, and having winning you sometimes,
makes me feel quite happy.
But that is because i wanna be a lawyer next time and i needed practice.
So since you wanna have a psycological battle with someone,
i will have it with you, and practicing my skills at the same time.
So thanks for those debates,
and thanks for those times when i was quite sad,
and you somehow cheered me up.
You can be counted as a good friend,
but trying to relax how Justiceful you are now,
may make you a better friend.
-Liang Wei
Laughing your head off, makes us laugh occasionally.
but try not to laugh too much, cause people may be quite annoyed.
One thing that i like about you is your honesty.
Although'Do not judge the book by its cover' says.
but from your looks, i think that you are quite honest in everything.
You have nothing to hide, and can keep secrets.
You are not afraid of saying anything, doing anything.
Thanks for being in our class and brought so much laughter to our class.
Next year, i hope you will still remain the same,
having the same smile, same voice, same looks,
And most importantly, your same attitude.
'HELLO SYRON!!' will nvr be erased off my memory,
you can always laugh anywhere and anytime.
You don't mind if people are around you,
you just laugh like mad!
Thanks for being so hyper and made the class lively,
along with Kiran.
Both of you makes a pair to bring ultimate laughter to the class.
You can laugh in any circumstances,
that is why, your name is up here.
I wanna thank you for being so hyper,
bring laughter to the class, cheering me up sometimes.
Although you are being transferred to 2Respect,
I will nvr forget your laughter and your voice,
Every tuesday, i will be waiting for you in 2Integrity,
and when you arrive, we shall go to 2 Respect,
and continue laughing your head off:D
-Qian Qi
Being sometimes optimistic and pessimistic,
can also be a good thing.
But 'Life stilll goes on, whatever happens" is wat you told me.
Live your days happily and a day would pass,
If you live it sadly, it will still pass, but bringing you bad memories.
So i hope that you are always optimistic.
Thanks for teaching me the importance of friends,
showed me how friends can be so important.
I can nvr forget on 7th February 2010,
which is my birthday,
you made me cry, in terms of touched i think.
So i can nvr forget that day,
cause it is very important.
Thanks for the lecture you gave me,
which had changed me to a better person.
Most importantly, thanks for being in this class,
and becoming a damn good friend of mine.
Dedications are long,
but it doesn't ends here.
I am quite busy now,
so i think i will continue tmr.
Pls don't tell our classmates to visit first until i completed all.
Thanks guys,
I love you all... :D
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Who the hell do you think you are?
Just one year and you just gotten into this mess....
You are just so stupid, seriously stupid.
i leave to next year,
if you still could not promise what you want to do,
I will hate you forever
I didn't know if you will like it,
it is like,
stalking you or watever shit...
But there is no choice,
2days left before 1ITG2010 gets seperated.
How can i just leave it like that?
Staring at me now,
and staring back at it,
i feel so stupid.
The river, what does it reminds you of?
Having a never ending streak of water supplies,
yeah, think further...
Just one year and you just gotten into this mess....
You are just so stupid, seriously stupid.
i leave to next year,
if you still could not promise what you want to do,
I will hate you forever
I didn't know if you will like it,
it is like,
stalking you or watever shit...
But there is no choice,
2days left before 1ITG2010 gets seperated.
How can i just leave it like that?
Staring at me now,
and staring back at it,
i feel so stupid.
The river, what does it reminds you of?
Having a never ending streak of water supplies,
yeah, think further...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
This blog is going to be annouced dead if i stop posting...
Sorry for not posting anything during the previous 13 days.
Nothing to post abt recently,
just quite sad for my results,
but it is just useless...
I feel like retaking the exams.....
I realised i haven't said wat i wanna say.
Very down recently,
keep having psycological battling with someone.
pro like shit and i think i am going to lose.
Told myself that i would surely win,
because the reasoning from him was out of point.
Tried tackling his ideas for English and Chinese.
Still thinking of retaliation sentences,
wanna just win this once and for all.
Having this psycological battle is already enough,
i have to another battle to make,
and i nvr know when would this end.
4 years or 5 years later,
i do not know.
I just know that this a going to be very tough.
Even tougher than handling thousands of Psycological battles at a go.
Refrained myself from crying,
keeping that three words inside for hundreds thousands of minutes
Waiting for that day,
9 days later, we will nvr see each other in class ever again.
But yet 10 days later, i have something very important to tell you.
At least it is important to me.
Thats my first time ever,
getting so nervous over someone's special occasion.
Congrats on being older by a year 10days later.
I seriously hope that you would remember this place throughout these 3 more years.
At least for these 3 years,
i will continue writing,
and i really wants to be there when you nid someone,
i know that would not be necessary,
but i don't wanna you to be sad always,
it hurts, you know...
10 Days later, i will say something to you,
thats three words maybe.....
Sorry for not posting anything during the previous 13 days.
Nothing to post abt recently,
just quite sad for my results,
but it is just useless...
I feel like retaking the exams.....
I realised i haven't said wat i wanna say.
Very down recently,
keep having psycological battling with someone.
pro like shit and i think i am going to lose.
Told myself that i would surely win,
because the reasoning from him was out of point.
Tried tackling his ideas for English and Chinese.
Still thinking of retaliation sentences,
wanna just win this once and for all.
Having this psycological battle is already enough,
i have to another battle to make,
and i nvr know when would this end.
4 years or 5 years later,
i do not know.
I just know that this a going to be very tough.
Even tougher than handling thousands of Psycological battles at a go.
Refrained myself from crying,
keeping that three words inside for hundreds thousands of minutes
Waiting for that day,
9 days later, we will nvr see each other in class ever again.
But yet 10 days later, i have something very important to tell you.
At least it is important to me.
Thats my first time ever,
getting so nervous over someone's special occasion.
Congrats on being older by a year 10days later.
I seriously hope that you would remember this place throughout these 3 more years.
At least for these 3 years,
i will continue writing,
and i really wants to be there when you nid someone,
i know that would not be necessary,
but i don't wanna you to be sad always,
it hurts, you know...
10 Days later, i will say something to you,
thats three words maybe.....
Friday, October 8, 2010
How i wished i was you...
Talented and good in speaking....
If i told you see me posting that life is great,
that is certainly not me....
Dorcas's answer for previous EQ: I would feel angry and so disappointed in that friend!! BUT i would still forgive him(:...
How sweet she is.....
Next EQ: Explain the meaning of life is no more than seven words.
Next IQ: If you don wanna have stress, what do you have to do?(Learn b4)
Previous IQ: Many possible answers... E.g: 1 Boy and 1 Girl can not only give birth to 2 childrens :)...
Talented and good in speaking....
If i told you see me posting that life is great,
that is certainly not me....
Dorcas's answer for previous EQ: I would feel angry and so disappointed in that friend!! BUT i would still forgive him(:...
How sweet she is.....
Next EQ: Explain the meaning of life is no more than seven words.
Next IQ: If you don wanna have stress, what do you have to do?(Learn b4)
Previous IQ: Many possible answers... E.g: 1 Boy and 1 Girl can not only give birth to 2 childrens :)...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
If i hadn't love you so truly since then, I wouldn't be hurt so deeply by now....
Readers would know what had happened to me today.....
It happened on many people too...
I think 9......
You guys may see us....
On Stage during assembly....
or Morning Assembly...
Todays EQ:
How will you react if your friend betrays you, a friend that you seriously loved?
Today IQ:
1+1= Undefined, how do you prove this?
Previous IQ question answer:
because they had no belly-buttons....
Readers would know what had happened to me today.....
It happened on many people too...
I think 9......
You guys may see us....
On Stage during assembly....
or Morning Assembly...
Todays EQ:
How will you react if your friend betrays you, a friend that you seriously loved?
Today IQ:
1+1= Undefined, how do you prove this?
Previous IQ question answer:
because they had no belly-buttons....
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Very long nvr post already....
Nowadays always study....
Seeing you to have someone you seriously love now,
and knowing that he loves you back,
i feel happy for you....
I believe he would be able to give you happiness....
and i would still be your side to be in case...
If you allow....
Answers Revealed for IQs:
1) It was John.
- The timing given was false.
- Bible Chapter 4 Verse 10
- Jenna, Sis= Genesis
- He had already called his brother John, and why must he call him John but not bro?
- Since he called his bro by his name, why don't he call his sis by her name too?
- This shows that he purposely put Jenna Sis, together to make it sound like Genesis
- Time was in AM
- Shows that it was the Old Testimony.
- Answer out on Genesis Old Testimony Chapter 4 verse 10.
2) The answer is 4.
- I say Twelve, you say six because twelve has six letters.
- I say Six, you say three because Six has three letters.
- I say Five, then you say four because Five has four letters.
3) The answer is Nothing.
- Nothing Preceeded God,
- Nothing is greater than God,
- Nothing is more evil than the devil
- Poor people have Nothing
- Wealthy people eat Nothing
- If you eat Nothing, you will die.
4) The word is incorrectly.
- Which word is always spelt (Incorrectly).
Next EQ:
Seeing your best friend going with your enemies, how would you react?
IQ: A man was digging and found a block of Ice and two people in it. Immediately, he knew it was Adam and Eve. How did he know?
Hint: The people were naked
Nowadays always study....
Seeing you to have someone you seriously love now,
and knowing that he loves you back,
i feel happy for you....
I believe he would be able to give you happiness....
and i would still be your side to be in case...
If you allow....
Answers Revealed for IQs:
1) It was John.
- The timing given was false.
- Bible Chapter 4 Verse 10
- Jenna, Sis= Genesis
- He had already called his brother John, and why must he call him John but not bro?
- Since he called his bro by his name, why don't he call his sis by her name too?
- This shows that he purposely put Jenna Sis, together to make it sound like Genesis
- Time was in AM
- Shows that it was the Old Testimony.
- Answer out on Genesis Old Testimony Chapter 4 verse 10.
2) The answer is 4.
- I say Twelve, you say six because twelve has six letters.
- I say Six, you say three because Six has three letters.
- I say Five, then you say four because Five has four letters.
3) The answer is Nothing.
- Nothing Preceeded God,
- Nothing is greater than God,
- Nothing is more evil than the devil
- Poor people have Nothing
- Wealthy people eat Nothing
- If you eat Nothing, you will die.
4) The word is incorrectly.
- Which word is always spelt (Incorrectly).
Next EQ:
Seeing your best friend going with your enemies, how would you react?
IQ: A man was digging and found a block of Ice and two people in it. Immediately, he knew it was Adam and Eve. How did he know?
Hint: The people were naked
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Essay questions are too long too answer and lazy to read right?
Its okay....
Same now...
One reply from Dorcas: I wanna pillow as my friend cos if i'm sad i can hug it and cry on it. if i'm happy i can still hug it.
Answer from Tarif for IQ: 2.5
It is not as simple as it looks....
until i tell you the working to it....
EQ: Choose your preferred 8 subjects for banding in Sec 3. Explain why?
IQ: A word has 7 letters, preceeded god, greater than god, more evil than the devil, poor people have it, wealthy people need it. If you eat it, you will die.. What is the word?
Its okay....
Same now...
One reply from Dorcas: I wanna pillow as my friend cos if i'm sad i can hug it and cry on it. if i'm happy i can still hug it.
Answer from Tarif for IQ: 2.5
It is not as simple as it looks....
until i tell you the working to it....
EQ: Choose your preferred 8 subjects for banding in Sec 3. Explain why?
IQ: A word has 7 letters, preceeded god, greater than god, more evil than the devil, poor people have it, wealthy people need it. If you eat it, you will die.. What is the word?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Recieve only one reply today...
Maybe you guys could be a little more active kays?
M00dSw1nger: Happiness is something money can't buy,cus MONEY=HAPPINESS…
Today was SUPER emo....
Well, not only me, but him and him too...
Examination is just 8 days from now...
and somemore next monday early dismissal.
So we have only 7 days left....
Choose an inanimated object to be your friend and explain.
I say 12, you say 6.
I say 6, you say 3,
But if i say 5, you say??
Maybe you guys could be a little more active kays?
M00dSw1nger: Happiness is something money can't buy,cus MONEY=HAPPINESS…
Today was SUPER emo....
Well, not only me, but him and him too...
Examination is just 8 days from now...
and somemore next monday early dismissal.
So we have only 7 days left....
Choose an inanimated object to be your friend and explain.
I say 12, you say 6.
I say 6, you say 3,
But if i say 5, you say??
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Recieved two replies
Dorcas: Happiness is something we all have. You have it on you too, Syron :)
SuperNut-Crazy-Idiot Pte Ltd: Happiness is something we live for, and not die for. We live in happiness than sadness and die in sadness rite?
Thanks Dorcas and SuperNut-Crazy-Idiot Pte Ltd
Next EQ:
"Love, can be sometimes frustrating, but sometimes serious."
State a time where this phrase could be used...
Should i add an IQ( Intelligence Question)? Trying it out may not hurt...
Detective Wesley carefully examined the scene before him. He was in a hotel room about 3 miles from the victim's home. The victim's body lay in front of him peacefully on the bed. It was January 7th, 3:15 PM, the body was discovered by a hotel maid. The man's name was Sean Donovin.
He was in his late twenties, a successful business owner, a Sunday school teacher, and was soon to be married. The detective shook his head in disgust. He whispered to himself," Why would anyone commit suicide when they had everything going for them?"
The detective saw this as suspicious. The only potential suspects would have to be the people that he trusted. According to testimony from his coworkers and friends, he only trusted 3 people: his sister, Hannah, who was very close with the victim and who often assisted him while he taught at the local church; his brother, John, who owned a smaller, semi-successful business; and his fiance, Jenna.
The apparent cause of the death was by injection of poison. At least his death was peaceful, the detcetive thought. The detective continued to search the hotel room, when he stumbled upon a suicide note. It read:
January04/2009 4:10AM
My loved ones,
Jenna, Sis and John, I would just like to tell you how sorry I am. Blame God for why I am to die today. Blame Him. Seek Him if you want to know whyi did leave you. Do not mourn my death. Please move on.
The detective saw this letter as somewhat suspicious. His last words were abrupt, almost impersonal. Why would a Sunday school teacher blame God?
The body was taken infor medical examination. Days later, the coroner would determine that the body died from a poison which killed instantly. The coroner would also determine that the body was only dead a mere 3hours before it was discovered.
The detective then realised that the date and time used on the note were completely false. All 3 of those mentioned in the letter agreed the handwriting was indeed Sean's.
The detective realised that the identity was given inside the suicide note. After a thorough examination of the note, Detective Wesley quickly arrested the murderer.
Who was it?
Hint: ( The time and date were false. So are they simply numbers or there's a hidden secret behind it?)
Hint 2: (Ask Him, who truly exists)
Recieved two replies
Dorcas: Happiness is something we all have. You have it on you too, Syron :)
SuperNut-Crazy-Idiot Pte Ltd: Happiness is something we live for, and not die for. We live in happiness than sadness and die in sadness rite?
Thanks Dorcas and SuperNut-Crazy-Idiot Pte Ltd
Next EQ:
"Love, can be sometimes frustrating, but sometimes serious."
State a time where this phrase could be used...
Should i add an IQ( Intelligence Question)? Trying it out may not hurt...
Detective Wesley carefully examined the scene before him. He was in a hotel room about 3 miles from the victim's home. The victim's body lay in front of him peacefully on the bed. It was January 7th, 3:15 PM, the body was discovered by a hotel maid. The man's name was Sean Donovin.
He was in his late twenties, a successful business owner, a Sunday school teacher, and was soon to be married. The detective shook his head in disgust. He whispered to himself," Why would anyone commit suicide when they had everything going for them?"
The detective saw this as suspicious. The only potential suspects would have to be the people that he trusted. According to testimony from his coworkers and friends, he only trusted 3 people: his sister, Hannah, who was very close with the victim and who often assisted him while he taught at the local church; his brother, John, who owned a smaller, semi-successful business; and his fiance, Jenna.
The apparent cause of the death was by injection of poison. At least his death was peaceful, the detcetive thought. The detective continued to search the hotel room, when he stumbled upon a suicide note. It read:
January04/2009 4:10AM
My loved ones,
Jenna, Sis and John, I would just like to tell you how sorry I am. Blame God for why I am to die today. Blame Him. Seek Him if you want to know whyi did leave you. Do not mourn my death. Please move on.
The detective saw this letter as somewhat suspicious. His last words were abrupt, almost impersonal. Why would a Sunday school teacher blame God?
The body was taken infor medical examination. Days later, the coroner would determine that the body died from a poison which killed instantly. The coroner would also determine that the body was only dead a mere 3hours before it was discovered.
The detective then realised that the date and time used on the note were completely false. All 3 of those mentioned in the letter agreed the handwriting was indeed Sean's.
The detective realised that the identity was given inside the suicide note. After a thorough examination of the note, Detective Wesley quickly arrested the murderer.
Who was it?
Hint: ( The time and date were false. So are they simply numbers or there's a hidden secret behind it?)
Hint 2: (Ask Him, who truly exists)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Maybe i should start on giving comment questions right?
Should I?
let's try it out....
or maybe i shall call it...
Essay questions...
Essay Question of the day is:
State an inanimate object or a living thing that can be personified, in terms of Happiness...
(E.g Happiness is a/an _______ (living thing or inanimate object)
Explain Your Answer
Should I?
let's try it out....
or maybe i shall call it...
Essay questions...
Essay Question of the day is:
State an inanimate object or a living thing that can be personified, in terms of Happiness...
(E.g Happiness is a/an _______ (living thing or inanimate object)
Explain Your Answer
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
IF i am not around, who would cry for me?
I wanna thank ppl again, this time, i hope i could thank all of 1 ITG ppls.
I wanna thank ppl again, this time, i hope i could thank all of 1 ITG ppls.
- Glenda- Although we don talk much together, thanks for amusing Sanjna and Xin Yi.
- Ling Shan- 谢谢你,总在我不开心的时候,你也发现到,你也关心我。
- Michelle- You are always High, and was seldom angry. Thanks for brightening up the class, making us more alive.
- Qian Qi- Allow me to say it another time... I wanna thank you, for changing my personality and making me a better person. Thanks for the times when you encourage me during PE lessons. Thanks for showing me that you are not fragile. Thanks for forgiving me when i really made you real mad. Thanks for being so understanding and finally, thanks for appearing in my life....
- Yeelin- Although we don't talk much, but you are always cool. Thanks for being understanding towards me, although you are still quite bad to me sometimes.
- Kiran- You and Michelle always joke together, although there is less communication between us, but thanks for being with Michelle, making us happy...
- Dorcas- Thanks for being understanding, you are often laughing and is always happy. Honestly, i have never seen you angry before, not even once...
- Jia Yi- Thanks for being always happy too, seriously, always happy. You amuse us with your sexies, and we till now, still hear you saying that, and still laughing about it...
- Shi Yao- Thanks for ALWAYS lending me Foolscap paper, Correction Tape, Eraser, Pen. I really wanna thank you for this.
- Fatimah- Same here, we don't have much communication. But thanks for being with me when i am emo-ing last time in the canteen.
- Peh Xin Yi- Thanks for being a little angel, who is smiling whenever you are, and serious when you are supposed to.
- Racheal- You are always together with Dorcas and Xin Yi. Whenever you see me, you would say hi, and i am really very happy at that time.
- Nurul- Really, we don't have much communication, but the good thing is, you are our PE leader. Thanks for keeping the class in order with Melvin, Shu Wei, and Racheal during PE, and rushing us down before we are late.
- Faisha- Seriously, you are cute. Thanks for making the class happy sometimes when you annoy Mrs Tan.
- Jamie- It's your turn now... Thanks for cheering me up when i am down, although you are always avoiding me and hates my presence last time, but now, i am glad that you have changed this bit, even if is a bit to you, its a lot for me...
- Joanne-Thanks for planning the Malay Presentaion well with Glenda and Xuan Yun, we too, don't have much communication.
- Wei Tieng- Thanks for always passing letters to Melvin for me, you also take it lightly when we always talk about you and Melvin, thanks for being so understanding too.
- Xuan Yun- You and Yu Xian is the pair of the class when we get to know you. Thanks for making us amused with your play with Yu Xian when you both always snatch things from each other and throwing things at each other.
- Teo Xin Yi- Thanks for telling me the homework for the day when i asked you for them, and allowing me to borrow your paper and refer to it. I am grateful to you for this point.
- Nazirah- You are the vice chairman for our class from term 3 onwards. Thanks for shouting at us when we are way too noisy, i know you are doing us good.
- Yi Jun- We too, have not much communication. Thanks for being the topic of sometime in term 3. Although some of our classmates may dislike you, but i have never despised you.
- Sanjna- Thanks for lending me your work sometimes too. You are the top pupil in our class and in the level, and i wanna thank you for that.
- Shaun- You excel in Science and Maths, so i wanna thank you for being so good in those two subject. I believe you would find a good job when you grow older.
- Melvin- You talk me out when i am really down, you gave me advices for my problems, and helping me out whenever i need help. So i wanna thank you for all that you have done for me.
- Chung Seng- You always call me handsome boy, but I am seriously not. You are even more handsome than me okay? Although i always call you cute, but you know why, because you are really cute. Thanks for eating with me always, or else i will be alone...
- Ali- I have known you since Primary School, and we always get along. Same now, we are still as good friends as always. Thanks for being forgiving and understanding. Thanks for being in the same school together, and even in the same class.
- Tarif- You are the ex-chairman, but in my eyes, you are a leader. You can lead the class, you also amuse the class sometimes, with Ali. So i wanna thank you both for this..
- Jeron- You are somehow quite rude but i like that, and i wanna thank you for just one thing, it is to be sooo great in Maths...
- Liang Wei- You mixed around well with the girls, but i know, it is because your fate with humans is good. Thanks for making us laugh when you rejected Mrs Raj in reading.
- Akmal- We really don't talk much, but i still wanna thank you for being soo cute, really.
- Benjamin- The current chairman for the class, you are also cute, although you are serious sometimes, Thanks for the noise you make when you laugh, i would laugh when i think of it.
- Shu Wei- You sat beside me during chinese class and is willing to lend me your book when i have not bought them yet. Thanks for this and another thing, is that your laugh is really cool.
- Mark- Thanks for being so kind. You always say hi to me when you see me. I somehow feel proud that i am in the same class as you.
- Phillipe- The first Foreigner student in Evergreen Sceondary School, and being my classmate, and i thank you for that, cause i don't have a foreign student in my class before.
- Yu Xian- You snatch Xuan Yun things and throw things at her, and sometimes amuses us, but sometimes annoy us, but i wanna thank you cause you still made us laugh.
- Ken- You joke quite oftenly in class and i wanna learn for you, and the fact that you joke with the class, makes me thank you. Cause everywhere i am, i wanna see ppl happy.
- Kae Chuan- You hang out with Ken, Jing Han, Yu Han often, and sometimes with me. Thanks for making me feel like i have very cool companions in this school.
- Jing Han- You hang out with Ken, Yu Han and Kae Chuan for NPCC matters and sometimes for fun. The way you talk somehow amuse me too. You are willing to listen to my feelings and never hesitate to stop me if i am going too far, and thanks for that. When we are taking care of the class, you never fail to see your god-sis. You always Hi-5 with her and i am happy to see that.
- Yu Han- In my secondary school journey, You are my best ever friend there. I believe you are my true friend as you still side me when i do stupid things. We often have the same situation, like Biology Mid-Year Exam Paper, i was shocked that we hae the same marks, and not only for that subject, I think History, Maths, Chemistry too. Not only that, you share the same Home Econs unit with me, and we both helped each other when in need. Thanks for having the same marks with me and a huge thanks for regarding me as a brother.
I think i didn't miss out anyone, did I? Well, lets see, if I am not around in this world anymore, who would cry for me?
Is it because of me that made your life sucks?
If thats wat you think....
A true friend, is always on your side,
even if you have done something stupid.
I cared for you thought of you every moment.
Even i have been telling myself to put this aside,
i just can't,
I could never forgive you,
I would never forgive you,
and I should never forgive you.
It's simple,
cause i don't have the chance to forgive you.
In my eyes, everything you do is right,
i believe, the choice you made now,
would be the best decision for you.
Take care now, i will try my best,
try my best to put you aside,
until that day, that very fateful day......
If thats wat you think....
A true friend, is always on your side,
even if you have done something stupid.
I cared for you thought of you every moment.
Even i have been telling myself to put this aside,
i just can't,
I could never forgive you,
I would never forgive you,
and I should never forgive you.
It's simple,
cause i don't have the chance to forgive you.
In my eyes, everything you do is right,
i believe, the choice you made now,
would be the best decision for you.
Take care now, i will try my best,
try my best to put you aside,
until that day, that very fateful day......
Monday, September 6, 2010
I still had some more...
Thanks Michelle,
You are always laughing with kiran,
and you are always hilarious.
You mixed along well with others.
I nvr seen you angry b4, only at your blog.
So i wanna thank you for being such a happy girl,
and being in the same class.....
you are the first person that i can trust fully,
You always lend a ear when i am down.
Although you disagree with some of my thoughts,
but they are somehow useful to me.
Although i used to be a needle to your eyes,
but now, i could share my thoughts with you.
I wanna take this time to say both,
sorry and thank you...
Although you are in Enterprise,
and I am in Integrity,
but you are still the second person i can fully trust.
I always laugh at you ang Jing Han
Simply because,
You both share quite familiar chinese name.
But later on, i stopped that.
And you too, can lend some minutes to listen to me.
Thanks, Rachel....
I still had some more...
Thanks Michelle,
You are always laughing with kiran,
and you are always hilarious.
You mixed along well with others.
I nvr seen you angry b4, only at your blog.
So i wanna thank you for being such a happy girl,
and being in the same class.....
you are the first person that i can trust fully,
You always lend a ear when i am down.
Although you disagree with some of my thoughts,
but they are somehow useful to me.
Although i used to be a needle to your eyes,
but now, i could share my thoughts with you.
I wanna take this time to say both,
sorry and thank you...
Although you are in Enterprise,
and I am in Integrity,
but you are still the second person i can fully trust.
I always laugh at you ang Jing Han
Simply because,
You both share quite familiar chinese name.
But later on, i stopped that.
And you too, can lend some minutes to listen to me.
Thanks, Rachel....
Thursday, September 2, 2010
This is really killing me,
the pain, can nvr be painful than any physical pain...
Just that one time,
That once had made myself miserable....
Maybe meeting you was my fate...
Maybe i was fated to be prank like this...
Causing that unbearable pain...
Why.... everywhere i go,
anywhere i go, i am always thinking of you.
Is it that i fancy you too much?
If i had chosen there,
I would meet my ex-crush, remaining as a bad boy....
If i had not chosen there,
I wouldn't have meet you,turning 180degrees in my attitude.
Why... Why every choice i choose,
It is always bad for me?
Before School Starts,
i tell myself i want to have a new start,
Its another journey,
but i nvr thought that,
it will start like this.........
Thank you Hong Chye,
You helped me started it,
started our journey.
But this journey,
has a lot of pain,
a lot of torture.
Can i finish this?
Would i finish this?
Should I finish this?
Thank you Ali,
You accompanied me from primary school to here.
I am happy to be with the same class as you,
you have brought happiness and laughter to 1integrity,
Together with Tarif, you would brighten the class.
Thanks, Ali and Tarif...
Thank You Yu Han,
You accompanied me from the start of school till now,
you have nvr gave me up. You encouraged me till now.
Without you, I would have gotten the maximum depression by now.
All the times with You, Kae, Jing Han, I have found hope in my life.
Thanks for regarding me as your brother, i will nvr forget you.
Thank You Melvin,
to be with me when i am down.
You always speak yourself like no one is around you.
Although you are quite bossy sometimes,
but i nvr regret, making very good frens with you.
I had nvr....
Thank You Dorcas and Racheal,
Both of you appear when i am down too.
Both of you are seen together often...
Thanks for always cheering me up,
telling me the best way to handle things...
Now, i can trust you with everything i do,
seriously... Everything....
Thank you Jia Yi,
for being always happy,
no matter what comes ahead,
you are still happy.
You always amuse us with your 'sexies'.
And now, stay sexy as always,
cause you always are.
Lastly, biggest thanks i have made.
You changed my personality,my attitude,
and my view to life. You made me go crazy,
go sad, go happy, you nvr made me angry,
To meet you in my life, is my greatest pleasure.
I nvr regret in coming here. Meeting you.
You are the best, in my heart,
in my eyes, in everywhere.
Thank You...
Qian Qi....
the pain, can nvr be painful than any physical pain...
Just that one time,
That once had made myself miserable....
Maybe meeting you was my fate...
Maybe i was fated to be prank like this...
Causing that unbearable pain...
Why.... everywhere i go,
anywhere i go, i am always thinking of you.
Is it that i fancy you too much?
If i had chosen there,
I would meet my ex-crush, remaining as a bad boy....
If i had not chosen there,
I wouldn't have meet you,turning 180degrees in my attitude.
Why... Why every choice i choose,
It is always bad for me?
Before School Starts,
i tell myself i want to have a new start,
Its another journey,
but i nvr thought that,
it will start like this.........
Thank you Hong Chye,
You helped me started it,
started our journey.
But this journey,
has a lot of pain,
a lot of torture.
Can i finish this?
Would i finish this?
Should I finish this?
Thank you Ali,
You accompanied me from primary school to here.
I am happy to be with the same class as you,
you have brought happiness and laughter to 1integrity,
Together with Tarif, you would brighten the class.
Thanks, Ali and Tarif...
Thank You Yu Han,
You accompanied me from the start of school till now,
you have nvr gave me up. You encouraged me till now.
Without you, I would have gotten the maximum depression by now.
All the times with You, Kae, Jing Han, I have found hope in my life.
Thanks for regarding me as your brother, i will nvr forget you.
Thank You Melvin,
to be with me when i am down.
You always speak yourself like no one is around you.
Although you are quite bossy sometimes,
but i nvr regret, making very good frens with you.
I had nvr....
Thank You Dorcas and Racheal,
Both of you appear when i am down too.
Both of you are seen together often...
Thanks for always cheering me up,
telling me the best way to handle things...
Now, i can trust you with everything i do,
seriously... Everything....
Thank you Jia Yi,
for being always happy,
no matter what comes ahead,
you are still happy.
You always amuse us with your 'sexies'.
And now, stay sexy as always,
cause you always are.
Lastly, biggest thanks i have made.
You changed my personality,my attitude,
and my view to life. You made me go crazy,
go sad, go happy, you nvr made me angry,
To meet you in my life, is my greatest pleasure.
I nvr regret in coming here. Meeting you.
You are the best, in my heart,
in my eyes, in everywhere.
Thank You...
Qian Qi....
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I wanna say sorry to the following ppl...
•Jia Yi
•Yu Han
•Jing Han
I Have tried million times to bring myself out of that damn hole,
I just cannot get out.
I am on the urge on giving up...
But I will try my utmost best....
To Come out of it, and nvr fall into it anymore...
•Jia Yi
•Yu Han
•Jing Han
I Have tried million times to bring myself out of that damn hole,
I just cannot get out.
I am on the urge on giving up...
But I will try my utmost best....
To Come out of it, and nvr fall into it anymore...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
If you are sad, don worry...
I would be too....
You always have friends siding with you....
You don't have to worry being neglected...
Wats the point of being in your life when i cnt even do anything,
anything to even help you.
This is the 13th time.....
Don't be so emo usually pls....
My heart hurts seriously you know.....
I know i have no right to say this.....
i just wanna tell you...
how important you exactly are to me....
Just to tell you guys,
i recently just knew that i am the oldest among my level..
in the lunar calander,
i just smiled. then asked why,
my mum say cause i was born on lunar 1st january 1997...
I was like so seriously shocked.....
and she told me i brought luck to my family,
i asked her why too.
She say i was trying to get out of her womb for 3 times,
and those three times i was shocked like shit too..
1st time- Trying to come out on 24th December(Christmas Eve)
but couldn't come out....
2nd time-Tyring to come out again on 31st december(New Year Eve)
Still couldn't come out....
3rd time- finally come out, but i was early....February 7th(Lunar Oldest in 13 years old)
Too bad my dad's fren child came out on 1am.
I came out on 10.45pm
The doctor say my mother should not have born early,
because pre-mature, so i came out on February 7th,
one week earlier.
If i was born on February 14th,
I am the so called Heaven god son.....
I was like going to faint when i heard this...
I asked my relatives...
and they said it was real.....
I would be too....
You always have friends siding with you....
You don't have to worry being neglected...
Wats the point of being in your life when i cnt even do anything,
anything to even help you.
This is the 13th time.....
Don't be so emo usually pls....
My heart hurts seriously you know.....
I know i have no right to say this.....
i just wanna tell you...
how important you exactly are to me....
Just to tell you guys,
i recently just knew that i am the oldest among my level..
in the lunar calander,
i just smiled. then asked why,
my mum say cause i was born on lunar 1st january 1997...
I was like so seriously shocked.....
and she told me i brought luck to my family,
i asked her why too.
She say i was trying to get out of her womb for 3 times,
and those three times i was shocked like shit too..
1st time- Trying to come out on 24th December(Christmas Eve)
but couldn't come out....
2nd time-Tyring to come out again on 31st december(New Year Eve)
Still couldn't come out....
3rd time- finally come out, but i was early....February 7th(Lunar Oldest in 13 years old)
Too bad my dad's fren child came out on 1am.
I came out on 10.45pm
The doctor say my mother should not have born early,
because pre-mature, so i came out on February 7th,
one week earlier.
If i was born on February 14th,
I am the so called Heaven god son.....
I was like going to faint when i heard this...
I asked my relatives...
and they said it was real.....
Thursday, August 19, 2010
the last part is kinda freaking me out.
Even i couldn understand it...
The whole story goes into a world of no one,
except for three of them,
Li Qing Ming Li ang Ying Xiong.
They started talking about wat had exactly happened years back...
The moment they started nodding their heads and not answering.
I was like...
Oh~~ Hantus.....
Then after explaining,
Ah Ling, And all the other contributing actors came out and speak.
Well thats not all,
the ending is so obvious that we know he died.
He walked into a path of light and the back stage opens up.
Letting us see how big it was.
Thats how we know the story ended.
So guys..
You should really watch it if you have the chance.
I am saying just for letting you guys know the briefly explanation.
Bye guys, not posting long today...
the last part is kinda freaking me out.
Even i couldn understand it...
The whole story goes into a world of no one,
except for three of them,
Li Qing Ming Li ang Ying Xiong.
They started talking about wat had exactly happened years back...
The moment they started nodding their heads and not answering.
I was like...
Oh~~ Hantus.....
Then after explaining,
Ah Ling, And all the other contributing actors came out and speak.
Well thats not all,
the ending is so obvious that we know he died.
He walked into a path of light and the back stage opens up.
Letting us see how big it was.
Thats how we know the story ended.
So guys..
You should really watch it if you have the chance.
I am saying just for letting you guys know the briefly explanation.
Bye guys, not posting long today...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Final 2nd episode.....
Why did i say that i would not hope that they find them if i knew the story??
The song stops and Oh My God!!!
Ming Li fell to the ground,
after calling him several times,
he was confirmed.... dead.....
Of course we cried,
needless to say.
Why would he die?
remember i told you he had symptoms of heart attack,
but it was so unlucky to happen now.
Did Ying Xiong know wat excatly wat happened years back?
Final Episode......
Why did i say that i would not hope that they find them if i knew the story??
The song stops and Oh My God!!!
Ming Li fell to the ground,
after calling him several times,
he was confirmed.... dead.....
Of course we cried,
needless to say.
Why would he die?
remember i told you he had symptoms of heart attack,
but it was so unlucky to happen now.
Did Ying Xiong know wat excatly wat happened years back?
Final Episode......
Monday, August 16, 2010
Where did i stop?....
Parents meeting...
Oh yeah..
When Li Qing called Yang Guang's parent to come,
it was during that december night again,
When the parents came,
the whole theathre was like Oh My God.
Yeah, i think you guys know it,
Yang Guang's mother was Ah Ling(Li Qing's friend)
Yang Guang's father was Ying Xiong.
The whole thing is this...
Ah Ling was married to another guy,
but that guy died,
leaving with only Ying Xiong to take care of the both of them.
So Ying Xiong was only Yang Guang's Stepfather.
But Li Qing doesn't care, cause Ying Xiong didn't wait for her that year.
Ying Xiong was about to say that he doesn't know about shr being trapped.
but Li Qing covered her ears cause she didn't want to listen.
Meng Yu and Yang Guang was sad that they couldn't be together,
They sang a song, and they kissed each others lips ON THE STAGE ITSELF...
we all clapped of course.
And Yang Guang said told her to go back China with Ying Xiong and him.
To scared the hell out of Li Qing.
But their plan turned out to fail.
Ming Li knew they were heading to the airport because,
Meng Yu couldn't be with Yang Guang.
Ming Li told Li Qing,
And they rushed to the airport.
The song plays along as they were in search of Meng Yu and Yang Guang.
Finally, the song stops and they have found them.
But, i would hope he won't go and find them if i knew the story....
What exactly happened later??
Final 2 episodes of December rains shorten version....
Parents meeting...
Oh yeah..
When Li Qing called Yang Guang's parent to come,
it was during that december night again,
When the parents came,
the whole theathre was like Oh My God.
Yeah, i think you guys know it,
Yang Guang's mother was Ah Ling(Li Qing's friend)
Yang Guang's father was Ying Xiong.
The whole thing is this...
Ah Ling was married to another guy,
but that guy died,
leaving with only Ying Xiong to take care of the both of them.
So Ying Xiong was only Yang Guang's Stepfather.
But Li Qing doesn't care, cause Ying Xiong didn't wait for her that year.
Ying Xiong was about to say that he doesn't know about shr being trapped.
but Li Qing covered her ears cause she didn't want to listen.
Meng Yu and Yang Guang was sad that they couldn't be together,
They sang a song, and they kissed each others lips ON THE STAGE ITSELF...
we all clapped of course.
And Yang Guang said told her to go back China with Ying Xiong and him.
To scared the hell out of Li Qing.
But their plan turned out to fail.
Ming Li knew they were heading to the airport because,
Meng Yu couldn't be with Yang Guang.
Ming Li told Li Qing,
And they rushed to the airport.
The song plays along as they were in search of Meng Yu and Yang Guang.
Finally, the song stops and they have found them.
But, i would hope he won't go and find them if i knew the story....
What exactly happened later??
Final 2 episodes of December rains shorten version....
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Continue from where i stop....
He stood there,
opening the letter and read it out.
The letter wrote(Briefly the important points)
“英雄,我不能和你去大陆了。 我爸他把我关在房间里,一个星期后才能出来。
This part was just normal, UNTIL.....
That was my first cry......
The curtains closed,bringing time back to now(When Li Qing and friends are old)
Ying Xiong came back already, but they never met.
Until this two characters came out....
Meng Yu and Yang Guang.
They loved each other, but Meng Yu(Li Qing's daughter) was not allowed to marry him.
Because Ying Xiong went to China, and Yang Guang is from China too.
So she didn't want Meng Yu to marry Yang Guang.
Until Meng Yu confide to Ming Li, her uncle,
Ming Li decided to talk Li Qing out.
By then, Ming Li was old already, and had symptoms of heart attack,
it could happen anytime,
Li Qing didn't want Meng Yu to marry Yang Guang just because of Ying Xiong,
and Ming Li is somehow saying that she is selfish.
Ming Li says that she have to let go of Ying Xiong.
Li Qing after much consideration,decided to listen to Ming Li,
and therefore, wanted a parents meeting.
But somehow, the parents meeting, was rather not a parents meeting.
What do I mean by that?
Why does the parent meeting turned out to be bad?
Next time.....
He stood there,
opening the letter and read it out.
The letter wrote(Briefly the important points)
“英雄,我不能和你去大陆了。 我爸他把我关在房间里,一个星期后才能出来。
This part was just normal, UNTIL.....
That was my first cry......
The curtains closed,bringing time back to now(When Li Qing and friends are old)
Ying Xiong came back already, but they never met.
Until this two characters came out....
Meng Yu and Yang Guang.
They loved each other, but Meng Yu(Li Qing's daughter) was not allowed to marry him.
Because Ying Xiong went to China, and Yang Guang is from China too.
So she didn't want Meng Yu to marry Yang Guang.
Until Meng Yu confide to Ming Li, her uncle,
Ming Li decided to talk Li Qing out.
By then, Ming Li was old already, and had symptoms of heart attack,
it could happen anytime,
Li Qing didn't want Meng Yu to marry Yang Guang just because of Ying Xiong,
and Ming Li is somehow saying that she is selfish.
Ming Li says that she have to let go of Ying Xiong.
Li Qing after much consideration,decided to listen to Ming Li,
and therefore, wanted a parents meeting.
But somehow, the parents meeting, was rather not a parents meeting.
What do I mean by that?
Why does the parent meeting turned out to be bad?
Next time.....
Friday, August 13, 2010
Continue from where i stopped...
Ming Li and A went to comfort her,
Ming Li was the person who help them meet each other,
by passing a letter that she wrote,
now, Ming Li had to pass this one to Ying Xiong,
which is super important.
And so Ming Li went to the pier and find Ying Xiong,
telling him that Li Qing couldn't come,
but Ying Xiong kept saying that,
Li Qing chooses her parents instead of him.
He is utterly dissapointed,
Ming Li scolded him for not trusting her,
and says that
Then Ah Ling interrupted that The ship had to go.
And Ying Xiong said that "Li Qing wouldn't come now,
i thought she would choose me, but instead..."
Then Ming Li reprimanded him and saying a lot of things about Li Qing,
until when he says,
then Ah Ling says again,
Then Ying Xiong Straight away asked him,
Then Ming Li says,
Then Ying Xiong leaves,
during that December rain......
Ming Li stood under the rain,
Thinking wat was inside,
and he opened it,
When the whole letter was read out,
I think everyone in the theather cried,
i coulod hear thier voices.
Follow by a OH SHIT!!!(By me)
Wat did the letter write, that could actually made us cry?
Really i have to go now, ltr i am going to continue.
Ming Li and A went to comfort her,
Ming Li was the person who help them meet each other,
by passing a letter that she wrote,
now, Ming Li had to pass this one to Ying Xiong,
which is super important.
And so Ming Li went to the pier and find Ying Xiong,
telling him that Li Qing couldn't come,
but Ying Xiong kept saying that,
Li Qing chooses her parents instead of him.
He is utterly dissapointed,
Ming Li scolded him for not trusting her,
and says that
Then Ah Ling interrupted that The ship had to go.
And Ying Xiong said that "Li Qing wouldn't come now,
i thought she would choose me, but instead..."
Then Ming Li reprimanded him and saying a lot of things about Li Qing,
until when he says,
then Ah Ling says again,
Then Ying Xiong Straight away asked him,
Then Ming Li says,
Then Ying Xiong leaves,
during that December rain......
Ming Li stood under the rain,
Thinking wat was inside,
and he opened it,
When the whole letter was read out,
I think everyone in the theather cried,
i coulod hear thier voices.
Follow by a OH SHIT!!!(By me)
Wat did the letter write, that could actually made us cry?
Really i have to go now, ltr i am going to continue.
This blog is getting more inactive.....
Because of me....
Sorry blog.. I just revived you....
August 10,
wnet to watch December rains(雨季)
it was so freaking nice!!!
So not wat i had expected,
cried 5times only,
haven rise my feelings to max....
As the story goes one,
i started to learn more about love.
And now,
I totally forgetten.
At least i had an enjoyable time with......
Okay, i have no enjoyable time with anyone.....
Liang Wei is with other girls,
and both of us are the only boys in the sec 1 level.
And oh my gosh!!!
I saw Charline, William, Shi Yun, Hong Ye and many more!!
So cool.
But that day i was so freaking Paiseh,
I am the ONE AND ONLY EVGian to wear uniform there,
So paiseh right?
the storyline is so sad,
The main characters i think are these,
Li Qing, Ying Xiong, Ming Li,
The show kick off with A pair of couple,
which i don think is the main characters,
and Meng Yu, Yang Guang, which will be important ltr.
This story starts with Li Qing and Ming Li had became old,
And Li Qing's friend (Forgotten the name, shall call it A),
asked her to find her second half.
Li Qing says that she don want,
cause when she was young, she had a very tragic happening.
And the curtains closed, bring time back when Ying Xiong and Li Qing officially meets each other.
They meet when Her friend Ah Ling told her that,
Ying Xiong was a poor student, but has very good results.
So he Half Study And Half Work.
And he is the student leader,
Planning to 推翻 something,
i forget liao.
Then, Li Qing was already in love with Ying Xiong,
And Ying Xiong have to go back China, 建设祖国。
Li Qing decides to go with him,
before that, they want to engage in marriage before proceeding to China
But her mother came and told Li Qing that her father was seriously ill.
And so,
she ran home to check.
But when she came back.
Her father was standing right there.
Totally fine.
Her mother said that she recieved news that she is secretly engaging,
so she was caught and brought into her room, locked up for a week.
Their trip was 3 days later,
adn Ying Xiong told her that he would wait.
Would She appear at the pier?
If she did, wat had happened during that time?
If she didn't, wat happened to Ying Xiong?
Now i have to go out,
sorry that i couldn't continue here.
I would continue later
Because of me....
Sorry blog.. I just revived you....
August 10,
wnet to watch December rains(雨季)
it was so freaking nice!!!
So not wat i had expected,
cried 5times only,
haven rise my feelings to max....
As the story goes one,
i started to learn more about love.
And now,
I totally forgetten.
At least i had an enjoyable time with......
Okay, i have no enjoyable time with anyone.....
Liang Wei is with other girls,
and both of us are the only boys in the sec 1 level.
And oh my gosh!!!
I saw Charline, William, Shi Yun, Hong Ye and many more!!
So cool.
But that day i was so freaking Paiseh,
I am the ONE AND ONLY EVGian to wear uniform there,
So paiseh right?
the storyline is so sad,
The main characters i think are these,
Li Qing, Ying Xiong, Ming Li,
The show kick off with A pair of couple,
which i don think is the main characters,
and Meng Yu, Yang Guang, which will be important ltr.
This story starts with Li Qing and Ming Li had became old,
And Li Qing's friend (Forgotten the name, shall call it A),
asked her to find her second half.
Li Qing says that she don want,
cause when she was young, she had a very tragic happening.
And the curtains closed, bring time back when Ying Xiong and Li Qing officially meets each other.
They meet when Her friend Ah Ling told her that,
Ying Xiong was a poor student, but has very good results.
So he Half Study And Half Work.
And he is the student leader,
Planning to 推翻 something,
i forget liao.
Then, Li Qing was already in love with Ying Xiong,
And Ying Xiong have to go back China, 建设祖国。
Li Qing decides to go with him,
before that, they want to engage in marriage before proceeding to China
But her mother came and told Li Qing that her father was seriously ill.
And so,
she ran home to check.
But when she came back.
Her father was standing right there.
Totally fine.
Her mother said that she recieved news that she is secretly engaging,
so she was caught and brought into her room, locked up for a week.
Their trip was 3 days later,
adn Ying Xiong told her that he would wait.
Would She appear at the pier?
If she did, wat had happened during that time?
If she didn't, wat happened to Ying Xiong?
Now i have to go out,
sorry that i couldn't continue here.
I would continue later
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Yesterday went to the bowling centre in Yishun,
to see my mother competing.
Total there are 96 people,
24team, 4 per team.
My mothers team is called The Baggers.
But they are not.....
First game,
Total team score is 533.
My mother 123 only.
So my mother had already anticipated that she would not get any prize this year
She had gotten the trophy for 2005,2007,2009,2010
So i was soo happy for her.
I also thought that there is no hope,
as the 8striker would be back.
He has strike 8 times consectively last time,
but this year not...
Second Game,
Total team score(I see with my own eyes and cnt believe.)
Gotten a trophy for high game(Highest team score per game)
My mother 168,
Womens individual 1st runner up...(Highest women individual per game)
But the thing is that,
the person in charge thought my mom is a Male!!
Then nvr get the prize!!
Until we are walkiing back home then realise...
So sad.
Total Team score(Both games)
Gotten another trophy....
Then Womens Individual Total(Both Games)
Highest is Milliet Cabrera(Dunno who is she)
My mother 1st runner up,
So this year total 3 trophies,
also very happy,
first time sia.
The trophies in total she get is 7(Too bad that she didn't get the another trophy)
2005, -Team Event 5th
2007, -Team High Game 5th
-Ladies Individual 5th Runner up
2009, -Team Event 2nd Runner up
2010, -Team High Game
-Team Event 1st runner up
- Ladies individual 1st runner up
to see my mother competing.
Total there are 96 people,
24team, 4 per team.
My mothers team is called The Baggers.
But they are not.....
First game,
Total team score is 533.
My mother 123 only.
So my mother had already anticipated that she would not get any prize this year
She had gotten the trophy for 2005,2007,2009,2010
So i was soo happy for her.
I also thought that there is no hope,
as the 8striker would be back.
He has strike 8 times consectively last time,
but this year not...
Second Game,
Total team score(I see with my own eyes and cnt believe.)
Gotten a trophy for high game(Highest team score per game)
My mother 168,
Womens individual 1st runner up...(Highest women individual per game)
But the thing is that,
the person in charge thought my mom is a Male!!
Then nvr get the prize!!
Until we are walkiing back home then realise...
So sad.
Total Team score(Both games)
Gotten another trophy....
Then Womens Individual Total(Both Games)
Highest is Milliet Cabrera(Dunno who is she)
My mother 1st runner up,
So this year total 3 trophies,
also very happy,
first time sia.
The trophies in total she get is 7(Too bad that she didn't get the another trophy)
2005, -Team Event 5th
2007, -Team High Game 5th
-Ladies Individual 5th Runner up
2009, -Team Event 2nd Runner up
2010, -Team High Game
-Team Event 1st runner up
- Ladies individual 1st runner up
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
I am gonna change my playlist,
and making it the one and only song played in my blog.
It is a Japanese Song,
that made me cry some time during term 1.....
Although the starting seems happy,
but in the middle of the song,
it becomes sad....
I am sorry to everyone who tried to encourage me not to cry,
i still cry nowadays.
My class had so many couples now...
and i am somehow happy for them...
I hope the whole class gets paired up,
but needless to say,
there will only be 19pairs maximum,
cause i would be the only one left out,
with another one....
Do we have common test?
I hope so....
If you are bored after school During Monday And Tuesday,
feel free to come to 2excel,
i would be there,
The most heartbroken thing is not when someone says goodbye to you,
but is when the person says goodbye to you and nvr comes back....
and making it the one and only song played in my blog.
It is a Japanese Song,
that made me cry some time during term 1.....
Although the starting seems happy,
but in the middle of the song,
it becomes sad....
I am sorry to everyone who tried to encourage me not to cry,
i still cry nowadays.
My class had so many couples now...
and i am somehow happy for them...
I hope the whole class gets paired up,
but needless to say,
there will only be 19pairs maximum,
cause i would be the only one left out,
with another one....
Do we have common test?
I hope so....
If you are bored after school During Monday And Tuesday,
feel free to come to 2excel,
i would be there,
The most heartbroken thing is not when someone says goodbye to you,
but is when the person says goodbye to you and nvr comes back....
Friday, July 30, 2010
I finally know,
i am never in your eyes,
Maybe loving you is a wrong decision.
hurts me, and you...
Really... it's really the time to let go,
before both of us get worse....
I am still waiting for that name to appear on my tagboard,
waited for a very long time,
and nvr giving it up waiting for it.
i am never in your eyes,
Maybe loving you is a wrong decision.
hurts me, and you...
Really... it's really the time to let go,
before both of us get worse....
I am still waiting for that name to appear on my tagboard,
waited for a very long time,
and nvr giving it up waiting for it.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Today we had our history test.
And it was rather difficult,
i think i got it wrong for Source B.
And we cooked Char Kuey Teow instead of Mee Goreng.
Cause wrong ingredients.
But it was nice also.
And i enjoyed it a lot.
Something really happened to me.
And it happen in the canteen
around 2.05pm.
That was my first time writing my true feelings all this time.
In chinese, and cried miraculously.
I did not want the others to see me crying,
but they did.
I was so embarrassed that time.
And thought something would happen ltr.
Believe me, i would complete my writing,
ending with at least 3 pieces of chinese foolscap paper.
With both sides filled.
And it was rather difficult,
i think i got it wrong for Source B.
And we cooked Char Kuey Teow instead of Mee Goreng.
Cause wrong ingredients.
But it was nice also.
And i enjoyed it a lot.
Something really happened to me.
And it happen in the canteen
around 2.05pm.
That was my first time writing my true feelings all this time.
In chinese, and cried miraculously.
I did not want the others to see me crying,
but they did.
I was so embarrassed that time.
And thought something would happen ltr.
Believe me, i would complete my writing,
ending with at least 3 pieces of chinese foolscap paper.
With both sides filled.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
(Below is a conversation on phone between My friend and I)
(I wanted to call her but it was her brother that was on phone)
Me: Hello, may i look for "...."
??: Oh! You are Syron ah?
??:Oh that very caring boy rite?
Me:Er......Yeah kind of.
?? Wait ah... Jieh!!
Walao, i was like laughing my guts out lor.
Caring, thats the first time someone ever called me that.
(I wanted to call her but it was her brother that was on phone)
Me: Hello, may i look for "...."
??: Oh! You are Syron ah?
??:Oh that very caring boy rite?
Me:Er......Yeah kind of.
?? Wait ah... Jieh!!
Walao, i was like laughing my guts out lor.
Caring, thats the first time someone ever called me that.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Was so tiring settling down 1 Character,1 Excel,1 Thinking And 1 Caring.
The corridor below our classroom
Damn noisy sia.
Sec 2 prefect also cnt handle.
Then a while ltr like got 3 or 4 prefect walk here help.
Today finally know how fierce Hong Chye is,
was like so scared when he scolds people.
4 more weeks to our common test.
i think so.
Lets work hard during these 4 weeks, together.
I hope that there will be no failures.
Was so tiring settling down 1 Character,1 Excel,1 Thinking And 1 Caring.
The corridor below our classroom
Damn noisy sia.
Sec 2 prefect also cnt handle.
Then a while ltr like got 3 or 4 prefect walk here help.
Today finally know how fierce Hong Chye is,
was like so scared when he scolds people.
4 more weeks to our common test.
i think so.
Lets work hard during these 4 weeks, together.
I hope that there will be no failures.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Very long nvr post le.
Feel so down, and feel neglected.
Feel so down, and feel neglected.
There are many, many pearls in the sea,
Most are flawed to some degrees.
But of all that are,and will ever be,
you are the most perfect pearl for me.
I didn't go school today,
and seriously thinking of you guys.
All of a sudden,
i feel that going to school is the best time we had in our lifes.
Even if i have not recovered from today's sickness,
i will still push myself to go to school.
Cause every tuedays from now onwards,
is very interesting.
But i am being selfish here.
Just to attend my day,
and cause you guys to be infected by my sickness,
isn't that selfish.
So should i still go to school tmr.
I hope yes,
and maybe not.
Rodin would br hard-pressed to find,
a better model for his art.
As i would be to find in life,
a better comrade for my heart
Your love is like a mountain stream.
flowing from an endless spring.
Quiet night of quiet stars, quiet chord from my guitar.
Floating on the silence that surrounds us.
Quiet thoughts and quiet dreams, quiet walks by quiet streams,
and the window that looks out on the mountains and the sea
Friday, July 16, 2010
This is a nice song,
Somehow reflects on wat i am thinking now.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I hope you guys know the song,
The Water Side(在水一方).
Its a chinese song,
originally by Teresa Tang.
But i heard the one sang by Jiro Wang.
He sings well,
a fan of him should know.
And that song,
was the song that started me being emotional.
And the times you all see me crying in class,
I was singing that song then.
This was only just one song that could make me cry.
There were 3 of them,
2 chinese and 1 english.
So nicely that i could fit them into the top 3s.
1st- The Water Side(在水一方)[Jiro Wang]
2nd-Viva Forever
3rd-(你是我所有的回憶)[Calvin Chen][辰亦儒]
This are the three songs that would make me cry.
The Water Side-10+(Would cry when heard or sing)
Vivaforever-twice(Hear but did not sing along)
(你是我所有的回憶)[Calvin Chen][辰亦儒]-twice(Cried when singing along)
So thats how i became so emotional....
The Water Side(在水一方).
Its a chinese song,
originally by Teresa Tang.
But i heard the one sang by Jiro Wang.
He sings well,
a fan of him should know.
And that song,
was the song that started me being emotional.
And the times you all see me crying in class,
I was singing that song then.
This was only just one song that could make me cry.
There were 3 of them,
2 chinese and 1 english.
So nicely that i could fit them into the top 3s.
1st- The Water Side(在水一方)[Jiro Wang]
2nd-Viva Forever
3rd-(你是我所有的回憶)[Calvin Chen][辰亦儒]
This are the three songs that would make me cry.
The Water Side-10+(Would cry when heard or sing)
Vivaforever-twice(Hear but did not sing along)
(你是我所有的回憶)[Calvin Chen][辰亦儒]-twice(Cried when singing along)
So thats how i became so emotional....
Monday, July 12, 2010
Would anything i do, make you forgive me?
Today was rather tiring and fun.
During Art period,
we made our own things.
It was so cute and fun.
I made Snowman and Turtle,
they were so freaking cute!!
During PE,
we ran 1.6km.
It was so damn tiring.
My leg hit onto the stairs,
and could not run the last round.
So i walked back to the gathering place.
Higher Chinese Lesson,
Dunno who went to draw something on the board,
then kenna by teacher.
Feel sad for the person.
Morning assembly,
Mrs Tan asked me if she could access my blog,
I gave her my blog url,
i quite afraid that she will do something to it.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Sometimes i should really control myself.
Sometimes i should really shut my mouth.
Sometimes i should really say things at the right time.
Sometimes i should really leave her alone.
Sometimes i feel that i am shameless.
Sometimes i feel that i am an idiot.
Sometimes i feel that i am helpless.
And sometimes i even feel that,i shouldn't appear.
Sometimes i laugh,
Sometimes i cry.
Sometimes i laugh when i cry,
Sometimes i cry, when i laugh,
Sometimes i am easy going,
Sometimes i am irritating.
Sometimes i know you,
Sometimes i don't.
Some words at sometime should not be said,
Some expressions at sometime cnt be made.
Those three words i saw,
was the most ever hurtful moment i have.
Anything you see now,
maybe rise the anger in you.
Say what you want,
Scold all you can,
i am all ears.
Sometimes i should really shut my mouth.
Sometimes i should really say things at the right time.
Sometimes i should really leave her alone.
Sometimes i feel that i am shameless.
Sometimes i feel that i am an idiot.
Sometimes i feel that i am helpless.
And sometimes i even feel that,i shouldn't appear.
Sometimes i laugh,
Sometimes i cry.
Sometimes i laugh when i cry,
Sometimes i cry, when i laugh,
Sometimes i am easy going,
Sometimes i am irritating.
Sometimes i know you,
Sometimes i don't.
Some words at sometime should not be said,
Some expressions at sometime cnt be made.
Those three words i saw,
was the most ever hurtful moment i have.
Anything you see now,
maybe rise the anger in you.
Say what you want,
Scold all you can,
i am all ears.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Yeah cried two days in a row,
thanks to my lovely classmates.
My attidude has become bad,
Literature and Chemistry,
Didn't bring my file and books.
i was late today.
I had a diarhoea,
and was thinking whether i should go to school,
cause i was late already,
so i might as well stay at home right?
Seriously, i would miss you guys when i am not in school but you are in.
and i am being irresponsible if i did not attend lesson.
So yeah,
I went to school.
Reached about 8.05am
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Congratulations to all the Sec 1 nominees who had make it,
and sorry for those who didn't.
You can still try again next year,
with more experience,
you will make it to the prefectorial board.
Well, i should be happy now,
but it seems not.
Maybe because some of our dear frens didn't make it.
As secondary 1s, we would definitely hope that everyone of us make it.
Looks like i am going to be scolded again tmr,
for not doing my work,
History and Literature.
and sorry for those who didn't.
You can still try again next year,
with more experience,
you will make it to the prefectorial board.
Well, i should be happy now,
but it seems not.
Maybe because some of our dear frens didn't make it.
As secondary 1s, we would definitely hope that everyone of us make it.
Looks like i am going to be scolded again tmr,
for not doing my work,
History and Literature.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
History hasn't really started yet,
we are still on how to investigate.
Really hope that i can pass my History Exam.
Home Econs i did not bring my file, book.
Teacher just ask stand nia.
And throughout the whole 2 period,
i was just sitting there,
trying to be awake.
Nothing much to say.
Just quite bored when the bell rang,
When it started to be CCD lesson.
CCD was rather fun to you guys.
I saw you guy laughing throughout the lesson.
Well, when teacher told me to express my ideas,
the reason why i didn't,
is not that i don't have anything.
Is just something teachers shouldn't know
but since i handed it up.
They will soon know.
You guys would know it too.
Sanjna. Ali and Tarif may know it.
Guys, pls remember always,
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Changed everything,
i know it sucks,
but just trying out.
Nothing much happened, just feeling that everyone starting's to love Ms thomas Lesson.
Including me.
The sec 2's said that they went to the memorial place of the people during WW2.
I think they said that.
PE was like so freaking mad.
I would rather run around the field.
Couldn't take it anymore in the final round.
Maths i was like sooo happy,
i didn't bring my file and my book.
Teacher just see i got my homework on the table then walk off
I was like soo lucky today.
Literature i didn't do anything.
As you all can see,
My hands held nothing.
Except for air.
I am so going to deduct 5 marks in my project.
Okay, so i had prefered Mdm Arleen,
but miss Farha brought us to the specturm the first lesson.
And i was like so freaking happy.
I still dunno the teacher were the boys or the girl.
LSS was like so fun too.
Had so much fun squeezing the thing.
Playing with the buttons,
and compreesing it.
Use it as a railgun to shoot Yu Han,
ya i was being lame and childish i know.
Stayed back to wait for CCA,
waited till 2.45opm,
then teacher say,
CCA resumes next week la.
Then we were like so happy and so sad.
Tomorrow i dunno whether nid to brnig apron for Home econs
First lesson mah,
so i think better bring,
just in case.
Was so fed up when teacher told us,
there will be CCD lesson in the last period,
i was like WTF,
thought that i could go home at 11.20am.
Make me happy for a moment when i saw the timetable.
The tagboard is all the way down of the blog.
Sorry that i placed it wrongly
And remember,
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Today Chemistry was so fun.
Qianqi asked so many questions.
Mr Tan was so cute.
His hands were flying around,
when answering her questions.
I enjoyed his lessons sooo much.
Malay lesson was like so fun too.
Competition among the class and i got one question wrong. = =
Present wrapper isn't supposed to be Trapizium meh?
Somemore if ask only heart shape on the wrapper...
ONLY leh...
the others all got other shape de.
So should be sifar mah.
why satu leh?
Then last question,
got so many rabbits.
Mr Rabbit and Mrs Rabbit had some children.
how many children are there IN THE PICTURE?
There's a picture in the picture.
but then inside the picture got 15 leh.
Then answer is uncountable.
Cause dunno who is the niece, the cousin.
I was like so freaking mad with this question.
And A question with several pictures.
How many gifts or present are there?
There was one thing with a lot of things inside,
and we couldn't see wats inside, how the hell are we going to count.
Then Racheal say is Uncountable.
And she gotten correct.
15 Points sia.
Then i ask teacher must say in malay.
Then teacher go say 15 in malay = =
Nvm... Its just a game.
Qianqi asked so many questions.
Mr Tan was so cute.
His hands were flying around,
when answering her questions.
I enjoyed his lessons sooo much.
Malay lesson was like so fun too.
Competition among the class and i got one question wrong. = =
Present wrapper isn't supposed to be Trapizium meh?
Somemore if ask only heart shape on the wrapper...
ONLY leh...
the others all got other shape de.
So should be sifar mah.
why satu leh?
Then last question,
got so many rabbits.
Mr Rabbit and Mrs Rabbit had some children.
how many children are there IN THE PICTURE?
There's a picture in the picture.
but then inside the picture got 15 leh.
Then answer is uncountable.
Cause dunno who is the niece, the cousin.
I was like so freaking mad with this question.
And A question with several pictures.
How many gifts or present are there?
There was one thing with a lot of things inside,
and we couldn't see wats inside, how the hell are we going to count.
Then Racheal say is Uncountable.
And she gotten correct.
15 Points sia.
Then i ask teacher must say in malay.
Then teacher go say 15 in malay = =
Nvm... Its just a game.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Schools started.
With such an opening.
Had to 1.5km today around the field.
I couldnt take it after the 4th round.
Mr Viknesh told me to walk.
But the last few metres i ran.
Eh~ Run!
She said that.
I always disapoint her.
Maybe she didnt want us to be scoleded by the teacher.
Had Maths.
And i was so jealous of Jeron.
He could get that question correct.
He had been acknowledged by you guys,
that his maths is very good.
Btw, who had no History partner?
I know its late to ask this.
Just asking.
I went to the staff room to see Ms Thomas,
and ya right,
she's our History teacher,
She said i gotta do it myself if i could not find one.
And seriously,
i can nvr find one....
With such an opening.
Had to 1.5km today around the field.
I couldnt take it after the 4th round.
Mr Viknesh told me to walk.
But the last few metres i ran.
Eh~ Run!
She said that.
I always disapoint her.
Maybe she didnt want us to be scoleded by the teacher.
Had Maths.
And i was so jealous of Jeron.
He could get that question correct.
He had been acknowledged by you guys,
that his maths is very good.
Btw, who had no History partner?
I know its late to ask this.
Just asking.
I went to the staff room to see Ms Thomas,
and ya right,
she's our History teacher,
She said i gotta do it myself if i could not find one.
And seriously,
i can nvr find one....
Saturday, June 26, 2010
There is a arrogant man going around in the village,
saying that if anyone could say something that he won't believe
he will give him 5 gold.
Almost 100 people have tried,
but could not get that 5 gold.
Finally, Someone say,
Someone: I can say something that you don't believe.
Everyone looked at him and whisper to one another.
"Aiya, he always get bad grades for his results, how can it be?"
He said something,
and the man really gave him 5 gold?
Anyone knows wat he said?
He Said:
You would give me 5 gold.
(If the man doesn't believe, he have to give Somebody 5 gold.
If the man believe, he would also have to give Somebody 5 gold)
saying that if anyone could say something that he won't believe
he will give him 5 gold.
Almost 100 people have tried,
but could not get that 5 gold.
Finally, Someone say,
Someone: I can say something that you don't believe.
Everyone looked at him and whisper to one another.
"Aiya, he always get bad grades for his results, how can it be?"
He said something,
and the man really gave him 5 gold?
Anyone knows wat he said?
He Said:
You would give me 5 gold.
(If the man doesn't believe, he have to give Somebody 5 gold.
If the man believe, he would also have to give Somebody 5 gold)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Jackie wanted to have a motorbike.
A 23 going to 24 without a motorbike sucks quite much.
So he decided to take the test for riding motorbikes.
He passed the test,
and was very happy.
He was jumping madly along the way to buy his motorbike.
He had the priority to get a 70% discount for buying a bike.
He bought a bike with not much power.
He was driving home with his motorbike.
Jackie had told his mother the good news.
His mum prepared him sumptous dinner.
He was very excited and decided to drive home quickly.
He stopped,
cause it was a red light.
As Jackie didn't want to be late
He just drove past it.
He was stopped by a police.
Police:Why did you charge across the red light?
Jackie pretended to be dumb and said,
Jackie:Cause i looked left and i didn't see you.
Police:It is dangerous, you have to look left and right next time okay?
The police thought that he was mentally disabled and let him off.
On the way back,
he told himself.
Jackie: How dumber can that police be.....
The next day,
he drived passed that road again,
this time, he had to rush for a meeting,
The light was red again.
He charged past the red light,
and was stopped by the police again.
Police: You again.... Why did you.....
Jackie: Cause hor, i looked left and right, but didnt see you.
Police: Are you trying to be dumb or....
Jackie ran off in a hurry.
The police finally know that he was faking his dumbness.
Jackie was promoted and he was brought to the pub for a drink.
He was drunk, but insisted to his friend that he wants to drive home himself.
His friend had no choice but to let him go his way.
He drove past the same road again.
And the same thing happened
This time, he was rather lucky.
The police stopped him and said,
Police: Don't tell me you looked left and right, back and forward and you didnt see me.
Jackie said: No, i am drunk.
Police: You still dare to say!?
Jackie: Of course la, who ask you?
Jackie: I looked everywhere and couldnt find you, i want to tell you i am drunk le, but you weren't here, so i charged lor.
The police caught him back to the station.
The police confiscated his license,
and ask Jackie what had he learn.
Jackie said,
Jackie: I learnt to take another route back home, and looked sideways if any police is there before charging through the traffic light.
I had such a great time laughing at this,
i could remember these and the exact one i couldn write it all.
Tell me if there were any defects in the story.
Btw, i freking love the new timetable.
It rocks.
A 23 going to 24 without a motorbike sucks quite much.
So he decided to take the test for riding motorbikes.
He passed the test,
and was very happy.
He was jumping madly along the way to buy his motorbike.
He had the priority to get a 70% discount for buying a bike.
He bought a bike with not much power.
He was driving home with his motorbike.
Jackie had told his mother the good news.
His mum prepared him sumptous dinner.
He was very excited and decided to drive home quickly.
He stopped,
cause it was a red light.
As Jackie didn't want to be late
He just drove past it.
He was stopped by a police.
Police:Why did you charge across the red light?
Jackie pretended to be dumb and said,
Jackie:Cause i looked left and i didn't see you.
Police:It is dangerous, you have to look left and right next time okay?
The police thought that he was mentally disabled and let him off.
On the way back,
he told himself.
Jackie: How dumber can that police be.....
The next day,
he drived passed that road again,
this time, he had to rush for a meeting,
The light was red again.
He charged past the red light,
and was stopped by the police again.
Police: You again.... Why did you.....
Jackie: Cause hor, i looked left and right, but didnt see you.
Police: Are you trying to be dumb or....
Jackie ran off in a hurry.
The police finally know that he was faking his dumbness.
Jackie was promoted and he was brought to the pub for a drink.
He was drunk, but insisted to his friend that he wants to drive home himself.
His friend had no choice but to let him go his way.
He drove past the same road again.
And the same thing happened
This time, he was rather lucky.
The police stopped him and said,
Police: Don't tell me you looked left and right, back and forward and you didnt see me.
Jackie said: No, i am drunk.
Police: You still dare to say!?
Jackie: Of course la, who ask you?
Jackie: I looked everywhere and couldnt find you, i want to tell you i am drunk le, but you weren't here, so i charged lor.
The police caught him back to the station.
The police confiscated his license,
and ask Jackie what had he learn.
Jackie said,
Jackie: I learnt to take another route back home, and looked sideways if any police is there before charging through the traffic light.
I had such a great time laughing at this,
i could remember these and the exact one i couldn write it all.
Tell me if there were any defects in the story.
Btw, i freking love the new timetable.
It rocks.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Good news,(Actually just for me)
I just watched The Karate Kid,
and i just cried once :)
The show is horribly nice dude,
freaking nice.
Learnt a lot of things though.
Of course there were funny scenes,
and i laughed like nobody's business.
Enemies can become good frens one day.
Watch it,
i'm sure you'll give it a thumbs up X2
I just watched The Karate Kid,
and i just cried once :)
The show is horribly nice dude,
freaking nice.
Learnt a lot of things though.
Of course there were funny scenes,
and i laughed like nobody's business.
Enemies can become good frens one day.
Watch it,
i'm sure you'll give it a thumbs up X2
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Why am i doing this?
Why must i do this?
Why does it have to be like this?
Why am i asking this?
What actually is this?
Why does it have to be like this.......
Why must i do this?
Why does it have to be like this?
Why am i asking this?
What actually is this?
Why does it have to be like this.......
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
My blog is once revived,
and dying again.
Trying to revived it now.
After leaving the Singapore custom,
i checked my handphone to see if anyone messaged me.
Only 3.
I was not so happy at first.
Later,even unhappier.
1 of them was from my Tuition Teacher
1 from my last year fren,sending only a hello
Another is Yu Han.
Trust is like a vase.
When the trust shatter, so does the vase.
No matter how hard you tried to put it back,
how nice you had placed it back,
The lines between the plates, could still be seen.
Once a trust is broken, you can never fixed it to its original.
You can only buy another one.
G:I want a divorce!
G:Before we marry,we didn't see through our problems
G:After we marry, we had so many problems,
G: Then i knew we had nothing in common.
B: Ah! You are wrong.
G: What!?
B:We had something in common.
G: What is it!?
B:We marry on the common date.
Andy:Mom! My class got one boy very lousy leh.
Mom: Oh is it?
Andy: Ya. His maths only get 53
Andy: English get 49
Mom:Wow, he is real bad.
Andy:His science more worse, only 43.
Mom: I think the problem lies on his mother, not on the teacher.
Andy: Ya, teacher also says so.
Mom: Who is this boy anyway?
Andy: It's me!
Teacher: Tom, how come you can get all correct for these questions, your maths is usually very bad.
Tom:Ya. I also don't know why
Teacher: Your father teach you do right, you must do your....
Tom: No la. My father never teach me. He do all by himself.
Sam drew legs for the snake he had drawn during Art
Mr Lim came and said:
Mr Lim: Why do you draw legs for the snake?
Sam: Why do you wear pants to school?
Mr Lim:These are two different things. You are doing extra.
Sam:Your brief can cover it up, pants is also extra, you don have to wear it.
Mr Lim walked away with frustration.
As we go on, we remember,
all the times we, had together.
And as our lives change, come whatever
we will still be, friends forever.
and dying again.
Trying to revived it now.
After leaving the Singapore custom,
i checked my handphone to see if anyone messaged me.
Only 3.
I was not so happy at first.
Later,even unhappier.
1 of them was from my Tuition Teacher
1 from my last year fren,sending only a hello
Another is Yu Han.
Trust is like a vase.
When the trust shatter, so does the vase.
No matter how hard you tried to put it back,
how nice you had placed it back,
The lines between the plates, could still be seen.
Once a trust is broken, you can never fixed it to its original.
You can only buy another one.
G:I want a divorce!
G:Before we marry,we didn't see through our problems
G:After we marry, we had so many problems,
G: Then i knew we had nothing in common.
B: Ah! You are wrong.
G: What!?
B:We had something in common.
G: What is it!?
B:We marry on the common date.
Andy:Mom! My class got one boy very lousy leh.
Mom: Oh is it?
Andy: Ya. His maths only get 53
Andy: English get 49
Mom:Wow, he is real bad.
Andy:His science more worse, only 43.
Mom: I think the problem lies on his mother, not on the teacher.
Andy: Ya, teacher also says so.
Mom: Who is this boy anyway?
Andy: It's me!
Teacher: Tom, how come you can get all correct for these questions, your maths is usually very bad.
Tom:Ya. I also don't know why
Teacher: Your father teach you do right, you must do your....
Tom: No la. My father never teach me. He do all by himself.
Sam drew legs for the snake he had drawn during Art
Mr Lim came and said:
Mr Lim: Why do you draw legs for the snake?
Sam: Why do you wear pants to school?
Mr Lim:These are two different things. You are doing extra.
Sam:Your brief can cover it up, pants is also extra, you don have to wear it.
Mr Lim walked away with frustration.
As we go on, we remember,
all the times we, had together.
And as our lives change, come whatever
we will still be, friends forever.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Now at my cousin house,
kenna scratched by his dog.
Damn painful.
Then use my cousin's laptop to blog.
Nothing better to do
Watching 我在你左右 ep 19
Didnt watch it yesterday
Arrived Penang at 11.50pm
Reached my grandma house at 2.10am
48 tired
Missing my home, missing my computer and mi ssing you guys
Btw, have the class gathering started?
Or has it been cancelled.
I hope that it can wait till i am back from malaysia.
kenna scratched by his dog.
Damn painful.
Then use my cousin's laptop to blog.
Nothing better to do
Watching 我在你左右 ep 19
Didnt watch it yesterday
Arrived Penang at 11.50pm
Reached my grandma house at 2.10am
48 tired
Missing my home, missing my computer and mi ssing you guys
Btw, have the class gathering started?
Or has it been cancelled.
I hope that it can wait till i am back from malaysia.
Friday, June 4, 2010
I will be flying tomorrow.
And back on 15th June.
I will be damn freaking sad
and is going to damn freaking cry like mad.
I will miss the last 2 ep of 我在你左右.
Although i can watch it on xin.msn,
but i prefer to watch it on TV.
I will cry very hard on the day when it show.
I will also definitely miss you guys overseas.
Have a good break.
When i come back,
i may not on computer frequently.
I nid to charge my chinese homework and maths.
Biology, History.
And the English thingy.
And back on 15th June.
I will be damn freaking sad
and is going to damn freaking cry like mad.
I will miss the last 2 ep of 我在你左右.
Although i can watch it on xin.msn,
but i prefer to watch it on TV.
I will cry very hard on the day when it show.
I will also definitely miss you guys overseas.
Have a good break.
When i come back,
i may not on computer frequently.
I nid to charge my chinese homework and maths.
Biology, History.
And the English thingy.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I am starting to miss my frens,
especially Yu Han, Kae Chuan, Qian Qi.
Really hope that i can see you all asap.
Now many ppl are using the term,
I think many ppl watch that show.
So i think that the show would appear,
in the next year's Star Awards.
I really hope that it can win the prize.
especially Yu Han, Kae Chuan, Qian Qi.
Really hope that i can see you all asap.
Now many ppl are using the term,
I think many ppl watch that show.
So i think that the show would appear,
in the next year's Star Awards.
I really hope that it can win the prize.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Why am i always waiting for your arrival in facebook, and leaving until you are offline?
Why although i am sleepy, i still wanted to wait for you to be offline?
Why am i waiting for you to online, when i know you won't?
Why am i asking myself stupid question, when i know no one cares?
Why am i always thinking of you, when i know it is useless?
Can anyone tell me why?
Why although i am sleepy, i still wanted to wait for you to be offline?
Why am i waiting for you to online, when i know you won't?
Why am i asking myself stupid question, when i know no one cares?
Why am i always thinking of you, when i know it is useless?
Can anyone tell me why?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Why am i always talking to myself,
saying myself stupid and those negative things.
Am i really stupid?
By asking if i am stupid, am i stupid?
By posting things abt me being stupid, am i stupid?
Asking myself over and over again, am i stupid?
I didn't regret choosing Evergreen,
cause people i meet here are all very nice people.
I could choose Ahmad Ibrahim,
but i come here, cause it comes to my mind at the first place.
When my father called to Hong Kong from Singapore,
to tell me my PSLE grades.
I was very happy.
I told myself to choose the Highest Aggregate School.
Which was Ahmad Ibrahim, Aggregate of 223.
But the first school that comes to my mind was Evergreen.
I always trust my feelings.
But when i submit the form,
my first choice was Riverside,
I knew it was impossible,
but i forgotten to put Ahmad Ibrahim into my second,
so second choice was Evergreen.
Maybe i was fated to forget at that time,
if i had remembered,
i wouldnt have met her.
if i nvr met her, my personality would not have changed,
if my personality had not changed, i wouldnt turned emo.
If i had not turned emo, this blog would not exist.
if this blog doesn exist, wat will my life be?
saying myself stupid and those negative things.
Am i really stupid?
By asking if i am stupid, am i stupid?
By posting things abt me being stupid, am i stupid?
Asking myself over and over again, am i stupid?
I didn't regret choosing Evergreen,
cause people i meet here are all very nice people.
I could choose Ahmad Ibrahim,
but i come here, cause it comes to my mind at the first place.
When my father called to Hong Kong from Singapore,
to tell me my PSLE grades.
I was very happy.
I told myself to choose the Highest Aggregate School.
Which was Ahmad Ibrahim, Aggregate of 223.
But the first school that comes to my mind was Evergreen.
I always trust my feelings.
But when i submit the form,
my first choice was Riverside,
I knew it was impossible,
but i forgotten to put Ahmad Ibrahim into my second,
so second choice was Evergreen.
Maybe i was fated to forget at that time,
if i had remembered,
i wouldnt have met her.
if i nvr met her, my personality would not have changed,
if my personality had not changed, i wouldnt turned emo.
If i had not turned emo, this blog would not exist.
if this blog doesn exist, wat will my life be?
Monday, May 31, 2010
Another song from 梁静茹(Fish Leong)
Also from Queen Of No Marriage.
Btw, today will be the last third ep.
2nd June will be the Last ep.
風笛手 - 梁静茹
我在风笛声里入睡 而弹的会是
Queen Of No Marriage(败犬女王)Theme Song.
梁靜茹 - 沒有如果
(Da La)X8
Also from Queen Of No Marriage.
Btw, today will be the last third ep.
2nd June will be the Last ep.
風笛手 - 梁静茹
我在风笛声里入睡 而弹的会是
Queen Of No Marriage(败犬女王)Theme Song.
梁靜茹 - 沒有如果
(Da La)X8
Sunday, May 30, 2010
This blog is going to die again.
Like my previous one...
Just watch Queen Of No Marriage(敗犬女王)(Last ep) Today.
Bought the disc and can watch anytime.
So happy.
Cried twice.
Throughout the whole ep.
50-57mins.(Saw the clock b4 crying and after)
Greatly loved three songs in the show.
Cried because hearing it.
Repeat *,*
買CD 把你的聲音丟在角落
有些話並不是 一定要說
我看見愛情之所以為愛情 誰都在揮霍
(Repeat *)x2
時光是琥珀 淚一滴滴被反鎖
Hope you guys would cry after hearing all these 3 songs.
If i am not wrong,
Queen Of No Marriage last ep would be shown On Monday(31stMay)
Or maybe that is the second last ep.
I forget le.
Channel U 10pm-11pm.
Like my previous one...
Just watch Queen Of No Marriage(敗犬女王)(Last ep) Today.
Bought the disc and can watch anytime.
So happy.
Cried twice.
Throughout the whole ep.
50-57mins.(Saw the clock b4 crying and after)
Greatly loved three songs in the show.
Cried because hearing it.
Repeat *,*
買CD 把你的聲音丟在角落
有些話並不是 一定要說
我看見愛情之所以為愛情 誰都在揮霍
(Repeat *)x2
時光是琥珀 淚一滴滴被反鎖
Hope you guys would cry after hearing all these 3 songs.
If i am not wrong,
Queen Of No Marriage last ep would be shown On Monday(31stMay)
Or maybe that is the second last ep.
I forget le.
Channel U 10pm-11pm.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tomorrow is the annual inter-house sports day.
So happy, waiting for tomorrow.
But i dunno wat i am waiting for.
Maybe i am happy that there is no lesson tmr.
And very happy that i can recieve my report book by tmr.
Waiting for it for a very long time.
This tuesday we had prefects game.
We played dodgeball. versusing the different comms
I NE comm. We played 3 rounds
First round We fought against SL comm.
Won them.
Second round lost like shit.
I last survivor. Then 2 gang me one throw left,
the other throw right.
I blocked one and missed one.
Then i lost.
We fought with the Sports comm
Third round was a draw.
Fought against DC comm.
Jing Han was in there.
I nvr tio hit.
Last 15 mins was the final round.
Massive match.
Prefects(Sec 1&2) vs Excos+Headprefect(Sec 3&4)
Of course we lost,
but we had so much fun there.
June holidays so many homework.
Sian la.
Have to go litespeed and ace-learning.
Then chinese also.
Write two compo.
Then also very shocked to recieve the history assignment.
Finally we are starting on history.
I am so happy.
But biology also got homework.
But then i also finish le.
So happy, waiting for tomorrow.
But i dunno wat i am waiting for.
Maybe i am happy that there is no lesson tmr.
And very happy that i can recieve my report book by tmr.
Waiting for it for a very long time.
This tuesday we had prefects game.
We played dodgeball. versusing the different comms
I NE comm. We played 3 rounds
First round We fought against SL comm.
Won them.
Second round lost like shit.
I last survivor. Then 2 gang me one throw left,
the other throw right.
I blocked one and missed one.
Then i lost.
We fought with the Sports comm
Third round was a draw.
Fought against DC comm.
Jing Han was in there.
I nvr tio hit.
Last 15 mins was the final round.
Massive match.
Prefects(Sec 1&2) vs Excos+Headprefect(Sec 3&4)
Of course we lost,
but we had so much fun there.
June holidays so many homework.
Sian la.
Have to go litespeed and ace-learning.
Then chinese also.
Write two compo.
Then also very shocked to recieve the history assignment.
Finally we are starting on history.
I am so happy.
But biology also got homework.
But then i also finish le.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Middle-Year Examinations Results.
Geography: 46/80,56.3/100 (C5)
Literature: 34/50,68/100 (B3)
Mathematics: 67/80,83.75/100 (A1)
Chemistry: 35/65,53.85/100 (C6)
Biology: 44/65,67.69/100 (B3)
Mother Tongue: 52/70,14/20,63/110,129/200,64.5/100(B4)
Design and Technology: 41/60,68.3/100 (B3)
English paper 1 haven't come out.
Waiting to choing history in next term.
Literature: 34/50,68/100 (B3)
Mathematics: 67/80,83.75/100 (A1)
Chemistry: 35/65,53.85/100 (C6)
Biology: 44/65,67.69/100 (B3)
Mother Tongue: 52/70,14/20,63/110,129/200,64.5/100(B4)
Design and Technology: 41/60,68.3/100 (B3)
English paper 1 haven't come out.
Waiting to choing history in next term.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
My blog is dying...
Gotten back my Geography paper.
Hate my results.
Sucks to the core.
My Mathematics,
Paper 1 is unknown.
If i can get an A for maths,
i am happy enough.
My chinese,
Hate this even more!!
Paper 1
If i can get a B3,
I am fine le.
My English.
Letter writing...
1 more mark to A.
Paper 2
quite fed up,
but still lucky.
Just hoping for a B.
Very excited for tmr,
getting back my Biology,Chemistry,Literature,Design and Technology.
For those who voted me to fail my Geography,
i am sorry that i passed.
My blog is dying...
Gotten back my Geography paper.
Hate my results.
Sucks to the core.
My Mathematics,
Paper 1 is unknown.
If i can get an A for maths,
i am happy enough.
My chinese,
Hate this even more!!
Paper 1
If i can get a B3,
I am fine le.
My English.
Letter writing...
1 more mark to A.
Paper 2
quite fed up,
but still lucky.
Just hoping for a B.
Very excited for tmr,
getting back my Biology,Chemistry,Literature,Design and Technology.
For those who voted me to fail my Geography,
i am sorry that i passed.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Now i seemed that everyone hate me.
I dunno,
but many of them are neglecting me as a friend.
So i think they do not regard me as one.
Whether you guys hated me to the core,
or just hate me so much,
i won't mind.
Cause i have a personality that makes people hate me.
But i will treat you all as friends,
or rather, everyone as friends.
Enemies nvr appear in my dictionary.
But maybe it appear several years later,
or even weeks later,
or maybe even days.
If possible, any minute also can.
You guys should know wat i mean.
I dunno,
but many of them are neglecting me as a friend.
So i think they do not regard me as one.
Whether you guys hated me to the core,
or just hate me so much,
i won't mind.
Cause i have a personality that makes people hate me.
But i will treat you all as friends,
or rather, everyone as friends.
Enemies nvr appear in my dictionary.
But maybe it appear several years later,
or even weeks later,
or maybe even days.
If possible, any minute also can.
You guys should know wat i mean.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Nothing special 2
Just watched 葉問(Ip Man),
A little similar to Ip Man 2 and True Legend.
The difference is that,
In Ip Man,
Ip Man fights a japanese general.
He just wanted to test Ip Man's skills,
but another japanese colonel told him that,
if he(Ip Man) wins, he(Colonel) will kill him(Ip Man).
At the end, the colonel really shot Ip Man,
but it only shot his shoulders.
At that time,
he was on a stage,
with everyone watching his fight.
He was able to remain standing,
but he did not want the people to gather around him.
So he acted weak and fall to ground.
But in the end,
everyone charged out of the japanese defense's
and gather aroung Ip Man.
Of course, Ip Man wouldn't die,
or else how could there be Ip Man 2.
He travelled to Hong Kong with his wife and child,
By the help of his friend, ChowChingQuan.
A little similar to Ip Man 2 and True Legend.
The difference is that,
In Ip Man,
Ip Man fights a japanese general.
He just wanted to test Ip Man's skills,
but another japanese colonel told him that,
if he(Ip Man) wins, he(Colonel) will kill him(Ip Man).
At the end, the colonel really shot Ip Man,
but it only shot his shoulders.
At that time,
he was on a stage,
with everyone watching his fight.
He was able to remain standing,
but he did not want the people to gather around him.
So he acted weak and fall to ground.
But in the end,
everyone charged out of the japanese defense's
and gather aroung Ip Man.
Of course, Ip Man wouldn't die,
or else how could there be Ip Man 2.
He travelled to Hong Kong with his wife and child,
By the help of his friend, ChowChingQuan.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Nothing special
葉問(Ip Man),葉問2 ( Ip Man 2) and 蘇乞兒 ( True Legend),
I hope the chinese people would watch these three shows.
Ip Man and Ip Man 2 most of you should have watched.
Except for True Legend.
For Ip Man 2 and True Legend,
their similarites is that,
The foriegners looked down on our Chinese Martial Arts.
For Ip Man 2:
Ip Man fought with The Twister(Foreigner Wrestling Champion)
The fight between them was very.....
I dunno how to say la.
But when they are fighting.
My heart was like pumping damn fast.
Maybe because i cried for the previous scene.
Ip Man was using 永春,
which i dunno how to translate to chinese.
While The Twister was using wrestling style.
The scene was not so bloody.
For True Legend:
Su Can (蘇灿),
He was once a warrior in a battlefield,
and he saved the king,
which gives him the position of the Governor Of Hubei(maybe other regions)
He rejects,
because of two reasons,
he wanted to teach the younger generations about Chinese Martial Arts.
He also wanted to have normal family life with XiaoYing,
the sister of YuanLie (袁列),which is Su Can's foster brother.
Therefore, he passed on his sword to his best buddy, MaChingFeng(马清锋).
Unfortunately, YuanLie wanted to kill Su Can.
Because Su Can father's killed YuanLie father's.
YuanLie learnt the Five Venom (五毒邪功)
Made Su Can right arm's tension to break.
Causing him to lose all his skills.
With more practice with The God Of Wushu ,(武神)(周杰伦饰).
He had regained confidence to fight with YuanLie.
And the fight between them rages on.
After Su Can wins YuanLie,
he did not know that YuanLie buried his sister alived,
which caused Su Can to go mad.
Su Can proceeds to the city with his only child, XiaoFeng.
But he could only think of wine and nothing else.
Once again, he met with the God Of Wushu again,
but this time, appearing as a drunk man.
He teaches Su Can the way of using the famous Drunken Fist.
He finally learnt it.
In the city,
he met with MaChingFeng again,
but he could not recognise MaChingFeng.
MaChingFeng had to go on a fight.
Stage fight, fighting with no set number of fighters,
no limitations of moves and no weapons.
Which is the rules and regulations of the fight.
On the night when Su Can abandon his child,
his child went back to him, writing a letter beside him.
The letter says,
(Our family never seperates, i promised mother)
The next morning, Su Can came to his senses.
Su Can brought him to watch MaChingFeng fight.
Upon arriving the place,
Su Can went to find some wine.
MaChingFeng was hurt badly,
by the first person to fight him.
There is a total number of six people.
When the first fighter wanted to give MaChingFeng the last blow,
XiaoFeng went towards to the fighter and bit his leg.
The fighter threw MaChingFeng onto the ground,
lifting XiaoFeng up and preparing his fist.
XiaoFeng was shouting for his Dad.
Until once, he shouted really very loud,
and his father then realised,
he levitated there and give the fighter one deadly blow.
The fighter was punch vitally on his head and was one-hit KOed.
He was then faced with the other 5 fighter.
Three of them cheated.
One of them took a hammer, violated the rules,
but was not fined, the fight go on.
Luckily, he was not hit by the hammer,
Another one took a knife and was not fined too.
Su Can was only knifed on his shirt, and a little bit of blood flowed out.
the knifer had rather killed his own teammate when Su Can dodged his attack.
The last one was rather the Most Vicious one and the most cheatest one.
One of the guy which is in charge of the setting up of arena,
he injected the strongest fighter that had fell under Su Can fist,
The Defensive Dose.
The fighter became invulnerable to Su Can's attack.
Su Can risked, get on his shoulder.
He kept punching ths sides of the fighter's head,
(All of us know that if a person is consectively hit on the both sides of the head,
the person would be in very deep pain)
The Fighter was really in deep pain at that time.
He fall back,
causing Su Can to fall too.
But he fell on his head and had a temporary concussion.
He dreamt of XiaoYing asking him to stand,
he then finally stand up and became the winner.
Before the fight, they had agreed that if the foreigners lose,
they had to give up the Arena.
Because the arena had once cause the death of many chinese fighters.
Now Su Can won,
he had not only won this fight,
he also won 100 sliver, which is a huge sum of money.
he had also won the glory of Chinese Martial Arts(Drunken Fist)
Thats the end of the show.
But the show was about 2hrs.
There is more than wat is shown here in the DVD.
You would want to watch more next time.
Now i just waiting for the arrival for Ip Man 2 to appear in the DVD store.
Then i have the complete series of Ip Man.
Finally finished today's post
Started at 2142(9.42pm)
Ended at 2217(10.17pm)
I hope the chinese people would watch these three shows.
Ip Man and Ip Man 2 most of you should have watched.
Except for True Legend.
For Ip Man 2 and True Legend,
their similarites is that,
The foriegners looked down on our Chinese Martial Arts.
For Ip Man 2:
Ip Man fought with The Twister(Foreigner Wrestling Champion)
The fight between them was very.....
I dunno how to say la.
But when they are fighting.
My heart was like pumping damn fast.
Maybe because i cried for the previous scene.
Ip Man was using 永春,
which i dunno how to translate to chinese.
While The Twister was using wrestling style.
The scene was not so bloody.
For True Legend:
Su Can (蘇灿),
He was once a warrior in a battlefield,
and he saved the king,
which gives him the position of the Governor Of Hubei(maybe other regions)
He rejects,
because of two reasons,
he wanted to teach the younger generations about Chinese Martial Arts.
He also wanted to have normal family life with XiaoYing,
the sister of YuanLie (袁列),which is Su Can's foster brother.
Therefore, he passed on his sword to his best buddy, MaChingFeng(马清锋).
Unfortunately, YuanLie wanted to kill Su Can.
Because Su Can father's killed YuanLie father's.
YuanLie learnt the Five Venom (五毒邪功)
Made Su Can right arm's tension to break.
Causing him to lose all his skills.
With more practice with The God Of Wushu ,(武神)(周杰伦饰).
He had regained confidence to fight with YuanLie.
And the fight between them rages on.
After Su Can wins YuanLie,
he did not know that YuanLie buried his sister alived,
which caused Su Can to go mad.
Su Can proceeds to the city with his only child, XiaoFeng.
But he could only think of wine and nothing else.
Once again, he met with the God Of Wushu again,
but this time, appearing as a drunk man.
He teaches Su Can the way of using the famous Drunken Fist.
He finally learnt it.
In the city,
he met with MaChingFeng again,
but he could not recognise MaChingFeng.
MaChingFeng had to go on a fight.
Stage fight, fighting with no set number of fighters,
no limitations of moves and no weapons.
Which is the rules and regulations of the fight.
On the night when Su Can abandon his child,
his child went back to him, writing a letter beside him.
The letter says,
(Our family never seperates, i promised mother)
The next morning, Su Can came to his senses.
Su Can brought him to watch MaChingFeng fight.
Upon arriving the place,
Su Can went to find some wine.
MaChingFeng was hurt badly,
by the first person to fight him.
There is a total number of six people.
When the first fighter wanted to give MaChingFeng the last blow,
XiaoFeng went towards to the fighter and bit his leg.
The fighter threw MaChingFeng onto the ground,
lifting XiaoFeng up and preparing his fist.
XiaoFeng was shouting for his Dad.
Until once, he shouted really very loud,
and his father then realised,
he levitated there and give the fighter one deadly blow.
The fighter was punch vitally on his head and was one-hit KOed.
He was then faced with the other 5 fighter.
Three of them cheated.
One of them took a hammer, violated the rules,
but was not fined, the fight go on.
Luckily, he was not hit by the hammer,
Another one took a knife and was not fined too.
Su Can was only knifed on his shirt, and a little bit of blood flowed out.
the knifer had rather killed his own teammate when Su Can dodged his attack.
The last one was rather the Most Vicious one and the most cheatest one.
One of the guy which is in charge of the setting up of arena,
he injected the strongest fighter that had fell under Su Can fist,
The Defensive Dose.
The fighter became invulnerable to Su Can's attack.
Su Can risked, get on his shoulder.
He kept punching ths sides of the fighter's head,
(All of us know that if a person is consectively hit on the both sides of the head,
the person would be in very deep pain)
The Fighter was really in deep pain at that time.
He fall back,
causing Su Can to fall too.
But he fell on his head and had a temporary concussion.
He dreamt of XiaoYing asking him to stand,
he then finally stand up and became the winner.
Before the fight, they had agreed that if the foreigners lose,
they had to give up the Arena.
Because the arena had once cause the death of many chinese fighters.
Now Su Can won,
he had not only won this fight,
he also won 100 sliver, which is a huge sum of money.
he had also won the glory of Chinese Martial Arts(Drunken Fist)
Thats the end of the show.
But the show was about 2hrs.
There is more than wat is shown here in the DVD.
You would want to watch more next time.
Now i just waiting for the arrival for Ip Man 2 to appear in the DVD store.
Then i have the complete series of Ip Man.
Finally finished today's post
Started at 2142(9.42pm)
Ended at 2217(10.17pm)
Friday, May 14, 2010
Finally the end of MYE
I have waited for 2 weeks...
2 weeks....
and finally the exams are over.
Now the only thing to be afraid of is our results.
I only hope for 4A1.
Then my wish is granted.....
The feeling of having exams is so complicated...
Happy and Sad...
Obviously, sad because we are going to be tested.
Happy, because sometimes we have shorter lesson times(Primary School)
Now better,
after exam can straight away go home..
The difficulty range of the exams paper,
is not easy to hard.
Its from hard to very hard.
2 weeks....
and finally the exams are over.
Now the only thing to be afraid of is our results.
I only hope for 4A1.
Then my wish is granted.....
The feeling of having exams is so complicated...
Happy and Sad...
Obviously, sad because we are going to be tested.
Happy, because sometimes we have shorter lesson times(Primary School)
Now better,
after exam can straight away go home..
The difficulty range of the exams paper,
is not easy to hard.
Its from hard to very hard.
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